Muh Insurrection: Why the January 6 'Capitol Attack' was not really a 'Coup'

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What happened on January 6 2021 was an embarrassing riot and display of poor behavior on the part of the Republican party. But an insurrection it was not.

This video explores the political tool of making a mountain out of a molehill,
and how anyone can exaggerate and twist definitions to make events sound much worse than they actually were, often as a victimhood power ploy.

DISCLAIMER: This video strongly condemns the use of political violence to get what you want. The purpose of the video is not to dismiss or exploit the event, but to establish how to properly and honestly distinguish between a "riot" and an "insurrection".

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"Armed insurrectionist" Equivocation

Wapost engages in circular reasoning:


Capitol "insurrection" footage

Destiny/Aydin "debate" ( starts at about 3 hours 35 minutes in )
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The thing that really annoys me about the whole thing, is the language and context used by the media specifically meant to suggest that the 6th was on par with 9/11.


They said AR-15 won't be enough to fight the government but they were afraid of some unarmed crazy people.


The fact that Density is willing to take Trump's words literally on one thing but completely ignore the other words he said that conflict with his assertion should immediately disqualify him as he is a bad faith debater.


when debating destiny you gotta be on the upper hand because if you are passive the guy will spin everything until he gaslights you into thinking you are wrong. Call him out when he starts defining a term for his pure convenience, Actual Justice Warrior is an example of a guy he did this and got destiny mad like a toddler


I love the fact how these insurrectionists had a total of 0 guns, 0 hostages, and killed 0 people.


Whenever the topic comes up I just go
"The largest gun owning group in the world, without guns?" and it usually causes the argument to just derail.


I engaged with Destiny because he asked for conservatives who were willing to have their minds changed on J6 and I said, "sure, I'm down". The point of the conversation was to change MY mind, which is what I think people keep getting confused about. I did not agree with him but I thought he made some good points. Afterwards I was met with a litany of death threats and people saying I should be sterilized because of that disagreement by his fans. That's not Destiny's fault, but is indicative of the fanbase he's cultivated - "if you don't agree you need be killed or sterilized". I respect Destiny a lot, but his fanbase is insane. Also - if you were unimpressed by my "debate", please understand the framing of the conversation was that Destiny was supposed to convince me about his position on J6 - it was not framed as a debate.


Its kind of hard for me to wrap my head around how delusional and brainwashed people can be. Living in a blue state I feel like I'm surrounded by people who are incapable of seeing reality. And theres a steady under current of gaslighting anyone who doesn't buy into these TDS delusions. And I know that if I say anything outside the TDS narrative I will lose entire friend groups of people I have known and supported for over a decade. I'm just so tired. I miss sanity and social cohesion.


If it weren't for this video I would have completely forgotten that this ever happen.


Yes it definitely a coup here are my arguments:
1. My feelings


YouTube providing “context”, with an article from Wikipedia no less, is increasingly infuriating and absurd.


Destiny’s definition of insurrection is as strong as his definition of marriage.


Trump even asked for the national guard to be there in jan 6th but the mayor rejected.


The issue is not very many people have intellectual honesty...


Imagine everyone around you falling to their knees and saying that they're suffering crippling PTSD from the alien invasion and you're standing there going "a crow stole John's sandwich, what are you idiots talking about?" That's what it's like to watch the hilariously stupid performative outrage in service to the Blue Church surrounding January 6.


Also, most of the "damages" were not damages. They were the paychecks of the cops who had to "work overtime"

So in the broadest definition the protest "cost money" because they chose to have the cops all on duty 24/7 afterwards.


January 6th was what we call a mostly peaceful protest.


This "insurrection" was so deadly that the only people who died were the "insurrectionists". Lol


I thought the same thing. If it was a serious attempt, you would think they would at least bring their guns. But they don't even consider that necessary.


Destiny is currently engaging in a coup. He's not doing anything, but that's just a really ineffective way of couping. It doesn't matter if he's incompetent.
