Story of Sandpaper Gate Australian Team Captain Steve Smith, David Warner were caught Ball Tampering

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Three years ago on March 24 Australia’s Test cricket team became embroiled in a ball-tampering scandal during the third Test of a series in South Africa.

Captain Steve Smith, vice-captain David Warner, and batsman Cameron Bancroft were the key figures involved in an incident dubbed ‘sandpapergate’ and one which would cast a dark shadow over the sport.
#AUSvsSA #BallTamperingIncident #SteveSmith

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Came here after seeing neon man sport news 😹


wastest video for some of the greatest guyz


Which person done this wrongly he is responsible for punishment other never responsible like coach, captain because their focus on whole team players or match setup fielding, bowling during match 👍
I think Steve Smith and David Warner wrongly targeted 🤔
Both emotions tells everything during conferences about this go to Past and chech video 😊


Amazing how both Smith and the coach fell on theirs swords for the other two... South Africans love that this happened to the Aussies but seem to forget their biggest cheat in cricket ever.. Hansie and his bible punching team who are all too praised 😈😈😭😭🤢🤢🤢🤢
