Food Allergy 101: Manage Fish Allergies | Fish Allergy Symptoms

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Food Allergy 101: Manage Fish Allergies | Fish Allergy Symptoms

Did you know about 40 percent of people with fish allergy experience their first allergic reaction as adults?

Finned fish is one of the most common food allergies and it usually is lifelong. If you are allergic to finfish, it doesn’t mean you are necessarily allergic to shellfish. Learn more about these scaley animals by watching this video.

Topics Covered
· Finned fish allergy
· Shellfish allergy
· Fish allergy reaction
· Symptoms of fish allergy
· Reaction to fish product
· Antihestimine for fish allergy reactions
· Managing fish allergies in adults
· Pediatric fish allergies
· Fish allergy diagnosis
· Living with fish allergies

Рекомендации по теме

I’m just a kid who has been allergic to wheat, dairy, fish, eggs and nuts and I hate it, I used to be allergic to soy too but not anymore, I just want to eat these foods without feeling like I’m gonna die :( fish looks tasty


Another common symptom is headache, sometimes severe. Also, moderate nausea at the smell can also be a common symptom that is sometimes overlooked.


My fish allergy started around age 22, while in the military. Being from the Pacific Northwest, I was practically raised on fish. So this allergy feels like a curse, lol. My symptom has always been feeling a tightness in my throat, as if I didn't properly swallow something. It eventually went away after and hour or two, so I never really thought much of it, nor got tested. At around 35, I ate some smoked salmon and my throat and tongue started to swell. I drove myself to the VA and was put on a steroid drip - released after about two hours. Was tested and it was revealed that I had a fish allergy, mainly to salmon and tuna. Was told to avoid eating them and that mayyyybe in a decade or so, I could try eating them again. The weird thing is that I also get this same throat tightness when eating canned chicken (as in chicken salad type chicken). I even had a reaction after eating breakfast potatoes at a hotel breakfast bar. I mentioned this to the allergy doctors at the VA and they just waved it off and said that I didn't know what I was talking about and that they weren't going to test for any of that. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I get hives, swelling and occasional breathing problems depending on the fish. The only fish I can eat now is tuna and shrimp!


I have been eating salmon for many years of my life but now only recently I experienced strange symptoms, like one foot/ankle swelling up. Then after the swelling had gone I tried eating salmon again (even very well cooked through) the same foot started tingling. I don't understand how this can happen. I always thought salmon/trout was very good in the diet because it has so many nutrients, and it was also a hot favourite for me. But now I am afraid to eat it and will miss it very much.


glad to have found this video, i never understood before how i can eat tuna perfectly fine but even a simple dish with a tiny bit of fish sauce, shell fish, shrimp.. all can make me throw up and get a fever in barely 30 minutes


I’m allergic to finned fish and shell fish but I can eat tuna in the can and salmon in a can


If I eat fish I lose air and have Hard time to breath also my skin gets ichy and warm for days fish is poisonous to me”


I grew up eating white fish like cod, never been a huge salmon person, I work in a meat/seafood market, and unfortunately after trying fish like salmon, snapper etc I can’t eat fish at all but I can eat shrimp and crab! 😭 hopefully I can grow out of this one day


I get bad stomach problems and vomiting when I eat dem.. And this happened only recently


My daughter is allergic to all fish and seafood. Any tips on how she can live with it? It hasn't been a problem so far but she's getting older and will have to watch out for fish products herself.


Thank you very much for the info on my alergyy


since child I have always eating fish but as I grow up suddenly I always end up puke whenever I eat one


The inside of my mouth itches if i eat salmom, king praws or pollock (few others).. i can eat tuna, cod, haddock and small praws tho.


Damn I think I'm allergic to salmon because for the past two years I've been breaking out in hives and I think its because of eating so much salmon. The reason I'm eating alot of salmon because I have hypertension and high blood pressure and I researched that eating salmon can prevent a heart attack. This sucks because everything I enjoy eating such as fast foods, pizza, pasta, fried foods, steak and now salmon and tuna I can no longer eat because it will either raise my blood pressure or I'll get an allergic reaction 😢


My fish allergy started this year, and I have all of the severe symptoms she mentioned 🥲


Great video! Thanks for helping us with food allergies!


i ate swordfish before then my lips starting to swell 🥺 is there something in my body also swollen? I'm so scared


I had a food skin test yesterday and was surprised that I had a salmon and halibut allergy, but didn't show anything for tuna. Could I develop a tuna allergy if I keep eating it?


My husband is allergic to milkfish(bangus) and cichlid(tilapia) but almost all seafoods are okay.
