Good vs. Bad Music

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My rant on what I think separates good from bad music.
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Born in the Manitoba prefecture of Canada, samuraiguitarist, Steve-san Onotera, honed his discipline under the study of the country's most powerful musical sensei.
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Bad music: When you break the music theory
Good music: When you break the music theory while knowing it
Sorry for bad eng


I really hate it when they rhyme a word with the same word, it just feels like the laziest thing you could do


"Lazy songwriting"

*cough cough* The Chainsmokers


"When in doubt, think... What would Ringo do?"

That's a philosophy we should all follow right there.


I have to admit that I really dislike when people judge music by the artist's popularity.. And when people claim that only bands like Queen, Gun's and Roses, etc have the only "good music"... that blocks them to another genres and bands that have their own voice


Bad music, for me, is music that is insincere. If the person doesn't love what they're doing and that isn't the REAL number one reason for them doing it then it's bad. I don't consider musical ability to be important without sincerity. Sincere musicians who aren't technical win over great technical players with no soul.
Also there are always exceptions.


Autotune and overproduction are killing music. That is why I can't stand modern mainstream studio records and listen either live records, some obscure stoner bands or just old pre-digital era stuff.


As I think of all art, anything can be art. The only thing needed is a receptor to resonate with emotionally.
Whether is good or bad relies on its creator/s, and their ability to use art as a recipient of their own message.


So I thought about this a little more... I think that you can generally say that any music (or actually any artform) that you consider "bad" has at least one of these qualities:

-bad performance
-lack of authenticity
-lifelessness/ emotionlessness
-nothing interesting about it

Of course any one of these doesn't necessarily ruin a piece. A bad performance of something really interesting and authentic can still be very good because of its artistic value. A good performance can sometimes save a boring piece but that is usually because the performer adds life, authenticity or interesting elements where there originally were none.

Different people's tastes are different of course, so what I think is ruined because I consider it unauthentic might still be appreciated by others for the way it is performed. But if a piece of music meets all of these criteria, people will probably agree that it sucks.

I think that this is a pretty consistent way of explaining what is wrong with anything that you think is "bad music" ;)

What do you think?


I absolutely LOVE Nirvana! Kurt Cobain's guitar playing, while not THAT technical, is what kept me playing! They have been my favourite band for long now :)


When artists are more focused on perfection than feeling it. Real heart and passion can be a little rough around the edges. You can tell when art flows from deep inside.


Mumble rap. Hate it with a burning passion.


My new pet peeve is in almost EVERY guitar, pedal, amp review or demo video on YouTube, inevitably the person providing the review or demo will spend a minute, or two minutes or five minutes or more showing off their "guitar skills". I'd rather know about the tone of the amp or guitar or pedal, etc. I mean, I understand people getting "lost" in a new sound, but really dude, just play a big fat A chord on all the settings, or a 10 seconds or less of soloing to show the tone of a particular pickup, etc. It doesn't take long to hear how the rig sounds. BUT NO, instead every review or demo video is shred city ad infinitum! (End of rant).

Keep up the good work Sensei!


I hate technicality for the sake of being difficult. Seriously, quit showing off and make your music sound good instead of seeing how many half-beat hiccups you can make your drummer play.


My musical pet peeve is songs with only 2 verses and no bridges that have 3 or more chorus's and/or songs with way to much repetition of the chorus compared to the verses/bridges. This is because I think the verse is the best part of the song.


"There's no such thing as bad music!"

"I love you. You love me. We're a happy family-"

"I stand corrected."


I couldn't agree more about trying to find something to like in *every* genre - I've tried to do that myself. BTW, thanks for turning me on to First Aid Kit! :-)


My musical pet peeve is when musicians do it for fame, and not for music. *cough* danny worsnop *cough*


Ringo didn’t take the back seat. Abbey Road has some of the best drumming of all time


Always get the nail on the head there, samurai.
I used to jam with a drummer who had an extremely well developed "arsenal" of moves he could pull off. Unfortunately, he could never just listen the song as a whole. He would put a magnifying glass to every drum track on a song, and if it was any kind of simple, easy beat, he would declare that the song was trash.
Such a shame.
