Array + Object Passing Program | Important Java Programs, ISC Computer Science, Class 12th 2023 Exam

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How to do Object Passing Program, Array based Program ?
Important Programs in Java
ISC Computer Science
Class 12th Computer

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sir ji credit to de dete last recursion wali problem ka . 😅😅😅


Keyword and their Usage
1. abstract : Specifies that a class or method will be implemented later, in a subclass
2. assert: Assert describes a predicate placed in a java program to indicate that the developer thinks that the predicate is always true at that place.
3. boolean: A data type that can hold True and False values only
4. break : A control statement for breaking out of loops.
5. byte: A data type that can hold 8-bit data values
6. case : Used in switch statements to mark blocks of text
7.catch : Catches exceptions generated by try statements
8.char : A data type that can hold unsigned 16-bit Unicode characters
9.class: Declares a new class
10.continue : Sends control back outside a loop 
11.default : Specifies the default block of code in a switch statement : Starts a do-while loop
13.double : A data type that can hold 64-bit floating-point numbers
14.else : Indicates alternative branches in an if statement 
15.enum : A Java keyword is used to declare an enumerated type. Enumerations extend the base class.
16.extends : Indicates that a class is derived from another class or interface : Indicates that a variable holds a constant value or that a method will not be overridden
18.finally : Indicates a block of code in a try-catch structure that will always be executed
19.float : A data type that holds a 32-bit floating-point number 
20.for : Used to start a for loop
21.if: Tests a true/false expression and branches accordingly
22.implements : Specifies that a class implements an interface 
23.import : References other classes
24.instanceof : Indicates whether an object is an instance of a specific class or implements an interface : A data type that can hold a 32-bit signed integer 
26.interface : Declares an interface
27.long A data type that holds a 64-bit integer
28.native : Specifies that a method is implemented with native (platform-specific) code : Creates new objects
30.null : This indicates that a reference does not refer to anything 
31.package Declares a Java package
32.private An access specifier indicating that a method or variable may be accessed only in the class it’s declared in
33.protected An access specifier indicating that a method or variable may only be accessed in the class it’s declared in (or a subclass of the class it’s declared in or other classes in the same package)
34.public An access specifier used for classes, interfaces, methods, and variables indicating that an item is accessible throughout the application (or where the class that defines it is accessible)
35.return Sends control and possibly a return value back from a called method 
36.short A data type that can hold a 16-bit integer 
37static : Indicates that a variable or method is a class method (rather than being limited to one particular object)
38.strictfp A Java keyword is used to restrict the precision and rounding of floating-point calculations to ensure portability.
39.super Refers to a class’s base class (used in a method or class constructor) 
40.switch A statement that executes code based on a test value 
41.synchronized Specifies critical sections or methods in multithreaded code
42.this Refers to the current object in a method or constructor
43.throw Creates an exception 
44.throws Indicates what exceptions may be thrown by a method 
45.transient Specifies that a variable is not part of an object’s persistent state
46.try Starts a block of code that will be tested for exceptions 
47.void Specifies that a method does not have a return value
48.volatile This indicates that a variable may change asynchronously
49.while Starts a while loop


Sir you are like god for ICSE and ISC students because there is no other dedicated channels on whole youtube like yours.I am following your channel since my 9th class (year 2019) and this year I am appearing for my 12th boards(year 2023).Your channel helped me a lot during my four years' journey.I strongly recommend your channel to all upcoming juniors.You always make every concept very simple and straightforward in few minutes.I am very fascinated by your teaching style.My best wishes that you gain more and more subscribers and students in the upcoimg time.Once again, thank u for all your videos which helped ICSE and ISC students a lot.🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌👏👏👏


Thank you sir 🥲 programs main confusion horhi aur sab clear hai


I got one more logic for reversing numbers :
int rev(int n) {
if (n==0)
return 0;
return (int)(n/Math.pow(10, ((""+n).length() - 1))) + rev(n % (int)Math.pow(10, ((""+n).length() - 1))) * 10;
This also works correctly, without wrapper class, but thanks alok sir for the wrapper class trick, it was good.


Thank you sir❤❤
We are also waiting for string program --- encryption ☺️


The video that we all were waiting for❤.Thank you so much Sir🙏🙏


Finally this vdo after being confused for whole 2 years ..few hours before exam !!.
Nevertheless thankyouu bhaiya for finally bringing thisss


@Amplify Learning with Alok

Sir please upload a video on recursion output where printing takes place on LIFO principle


Sir insertion in a stack implemented as linked list syllabus me hai kya ?


Sir important number programs bata diye...Aur sir buffered reader se marks zyada milte hai kyaa?


Sir pls make video on this keyword and how values of object are passed to methods without actually giving them values ?


Sir plz, ,,,
One shot for last 2 days live❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏


Sir recursive ke upar kuch programs karwaye number based Or string programs and thoda inheritance ka program accha hoga thoda sir


Thank You Sir . Much needed video, my all doubts are cleared with this type of program


Sir, aur videos jldi upload kijiye.. ya ek baar live aa jaiye bass


Sir can you exolain in detail about object passsing because i find it very difficult 😭🤧


Sir can't we take rb1 variable instead of rb2 and then take each element from A array and invoke reverse function and then put elements in rb1 ?


Thank you so much 💖 bhaiya. We are waiting for a program of 2d array.


Sir I've been watching your videos since 4 years now ❤ you are one of the teachers who provide us with top quality Content, this was just to say thankyou ❤
