Bergen 2017 (Norway) 4k Drone Gopro Film

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This video is a part of my blog covering my solo
circumnavigation via Cape Horn and Cape the Good Hope.
Friends I met at sea wondered what the Norwegian coast was like and so I made a few videos to show off the Norwegian coastline.
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Hei Stig Arne, i år (2022) var jeg i Bergen igjen etter 20 år. Jeg likte videoen din om denne byen og gjenkjente mange ting. Jeg liker også de andre videoene dine, spesielt den om Vøringfossen. Hilsen fra München.

Hello Stig Arne, this year (2022) I was in Bergen again after 20 years. I really enjoyed your video about this city and recognized a lot of things. I also like your other videos, especially the one about Vøringfossen. Greetings from Munich.

Hallo Stig Arne, dieses Jahr (2022) war ich nach 20 Jahren ein weiteres Mal in Bergen. Ich habe Dein Video zu dieser Stadt sehr genossen und vieles wieder erkannt. Ich mag auch Deine anderen Videos, insbesondere das zum Vøringfossen. Viele Grüße aus München.


Very nice VDO. Thanks for sharing. Leelawadee 5657 Chieng Mai Thailand.
