Part 2 - What If Mace Windu Brought Different Jedi Masters to fight Palpatine? - Star Wars Theory

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What If Mace Windu Brought Different Jedi Masters to fight Palpatine? - Star Wars Theory
Who are the dream team of Jedi to beat Palpatine?

If you could pick any Jedi to fight against the dark lord of the Sith, who would you pick?

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This is a part 2 to What If Mace Windu Brought Different Jedi Masters to fight Palpatine? A Star Wars Theory, if you haven’t watched that go watch it and come right back. I have had hundreds of comments from all of you and I wanted to say a big thanks for the support I have replied to every comment. I would like today to talk about your choices from the comments as well as defending my own choices from the last videos. All that coming right up.

Welcome to Starwars Grand Moff I am the Grand Moff. Let’s talk about different Jedi Mace Windu could have taken to defeat Palpatine. I want to start with talking about the choices I picked and then I will more on to the choices in the comments of the last video to see if any of the new jedi presented would replace my original choices.
Let talk Mace and Yoda. Let’s be honest between the two of them together would be able to defeat Palpatine. I think we can all agree on that. The other two options are merely for the fun of this theory. If we can think of anyone who can last longer that the original team did.
Plo-Koon now some people were agreed with me on this choice and others thought maybe Kit Fisto would be better. I love Kit-fisto but there is no deniing Plo is stronger there was a recent poll on my community tab where he was voted as the winner of a fight between the two. If you what to vote on these too make sure to Subscribe. Plo – Koon was said to have beaten Yoda in a fight once, but this not canon this is legends. And for this theory I am only looking at canon achievements. Abilities
Master Lightsaber Duellist: Plo is an extremely skilled lightsaber duellist.
Form V: Plo is extremely skilled in Shien.
“The Shien opening stance was a high guard position, with the lightsaber hilt held in a two-handed grip above the user's head and the blade angled upward and behind the user. The dominant leg was held back, enabling powerful step-through strikes to be utilized.”
Using this style I thought Plo may last longer than the others who did not have this style as their preferred form. That is the main reason I would pick Plo but honestly he probably wouldn’t last longer that Kit Fisto.
Shaak Ti Everyone hated this choice, now I know she is the weakness of the 4 but no means weak. I did not pick Her for her lightsaber skill nor force abilities but because of her montrals.
‘As a Togruta, Ti's hollow montrals could sense the movement of objects. This ultrasonic echolocation, which could reach up to 82 feet, allowed Ti to have sharpened spatial awareness. Because of the advantage given to her by the heightened perception of her surroundings, Ti was among one of the finest Jedi fighters in group combat.’
Because of this it made her one of the finest jedi fighters. People need to stop underestimating her as I think she could go toe to toe with some of the top tier fighters of the time. But ultimately against Palatine I believe she would just get cut down.
So lets talk some of your suggestions.
Yaddle, don’t make me laugh if you have seen the Tales of the Jedi you will know who weak she is. As for Yarael Poof he was bust getting pizza and will be unavailable for this theory.
Now on to some heavy hitters I forgot about.
Cin Drallig
You guys were right he should have been on my list,
‘A swordsman of great skill, often called the finest duelist in the Jedi Order.’
Now even though I defend Shaak ti I can admit when I am wrong and a better option comes up. Cin Drallig is a better duealist no denying. But when faced with a raging Darth Vader he lost. And if he lost to him then there is no way he could beat Palatine.
The other theory I saw was if Ashosa and Obiwan went with Anakin. And (Play clip all stick together.)
But to do this in this theory you would have to remove Mace or Yoda, maybe Yoda Obi-wan, Ashoka and Anakin could defeat Palatine but the gamble is can these two hold him to the light.
So, I have two final teams
Yoda, Windu, Plo-Koon and Cin Drallig
Yoda, Obiwan, Ashoka and Anakin
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As morbid as this sounds bringing anakin obi wan and ahsoka is smart as if one of them dies anakin will just kill palpatine no matter what


in the novel the it's stated that the reason Kit Fisto died was because he was distracted when he sensed the presence of Anakin and before that he was holding his own pretty well. if Plo Koon were in this position I think he would have been able to stay focused and would survive or at least last significantly longer than Fisto unless Palpatine had another trick up his sleeve.

Edit: I think the first team has a much higher chance


Palpatine: *Kills Ahsoka*
Anakin: *Obliterates Palpatine*

*Directed by*
George Lucas


The problem never was defeating him. The problem was there wasn’t Jedi outside the door making sure nobody (Aniken) didn’t interrupt.


I think Ahsoka and Obi-wan could keep Anakin in the light. Yes, Palpatine could taunt Anakin about Obi-Wan meeting Padme in secret to manipulate him. But, Obi-wan would quickly shoot that down with him being concerned about him; Ahsoka would just reaffirm this. The trouble is that this is everyone in the room that Anakin cares about, excluding Padme. If Anakin were to see Palpatine's actions out in the open, along with him trying to kill Obi-wan and Ahsoka. The two people (along with Padme) that Anakin cares about most in the galaxy. He would defend them. So, unless Palpatine kills Ahsoka in the first five seconds to try and push that manipulation, I don't see it going very far. Then he also has the problem of just killing Ahsoka, which will just piss Anakin off. The weakest emotional link there is obviously Yoda. However, yes Palpatine does have the secrets of Plagues (though not really). Yoda, with nearly a millennium of force knowledge and experience would be able to add a voice to this. Now, that he had a clearer picture of Anakin's situation. Yes, Windu's Vaapad is an excellent counter to Palpatine. But swap him with Yoda and you have a similar problem. Yes, Anakin would be easier to manipulate if it was Windu instead of Yoda. Though, he would have difficulty trying to convince Anakin; while fighting Windu, Obi-wan, Ahsoka and himself all at the same time.


Yaddle was not only weak, but also fucking dead lmao.


Plo Koon is the only Jedi to have defeated Yoda in a duel, definitely an obvious choice.


Shaak Ti and Plo Koon would probably last longer than the original three jedi. I feel like Plo Koon might hold off Palpatine for a bit, but he's probably too slow to reliably hold him off for a long period of time, but he's not helpless. Shaak Ti is more nimble and can probably keep him at bay, but might eventually get overwhelmed.


Yaddle actually held her own against Dooko witih DS present. She was holding back too, hoping Dooko would change his mind.


How about Depa Bilaba? She was trained by Mace Windu. It would have been nice to give her a live action fight scene. Of course that could be said of almost all of the Jedi Council members.


I just watched both the previous video and this one. I simply don't see the point of restricting the team size to just 4.
I'd take every master and skilled knight in Coruscant at least as support roles to make it impossible to the Sith Lord to move an inch without being "force-pushed" from 20+ knights/masters, no matter how hard he tries to jump into the Jedi formation, he'd be held off and forced to surrender quickly.
Then taking the Sith Lord to prison and holding him there would be another story


i love Ashoka to death, but team 1 would have the better chance to arrest Palpentine alive.


What if Mace had actually stopped and put 5 seconds of thought? He doesn't need to arrest him immediately, immediately. He did not need to rush by any means.

He could have waited a few days, gotten a fuller version of Anakin's statement with other Jedi around, grabbed a more balanced handful, and called up some troopers and a few Senators as witnesses as well.


You guys gotta give ahsoka way more credit lmao, she’s escaped/beat the 501st on multiple occasions as a PADWAN! She’s also fought grevious and ventrass multiple times and survived!!! She then fought maul after leaving the order and probably being very rusty/unconnected to the force. And many of these Jedi Knights and masters have been killed by maul grievous or their clones while ahsoka survived.


Mace Windu
Ahsoka, Tano
Pokine .
Shawty .
Obi-Wan Kenobi.


I would say Anakin, Mace, Plo koon and Shaak/Ahsoka. Maybe change Mace with Obi-wan in case the two just start fighting before even seeing Palpatine.


I'd send just Mace and let the others try to keep Anakin from coming haha


Weird tangent but if it wasn’t just Palpatine I would bring Kit Fisto. Say, Palpie and Dooku or Palpie and Grievous … somehow I think having more than 1 opponent would have made Kit Fisto more effective.


Yeah, think obi wan and ahsoka to keep anakin in check. I doubt he would ever flip if those 2 were with him. Plus mace or yoda and I think that's a team that would have no losses


I disagree that Drallig would be a better pick than Shaak Ti. Shaak Ti is a beast, both her performances against Grievous weren't bad. On Hypori, she was only outperformed by Mundi and during the battle of Coruscant she performed even better. If you use TFU as a source, she became even more powerful after the Jedi purge.
Drallig - despite being the Battlemaster - has no notable feats in any source. For Shaak Ti, we have at least legends feats we can refer to and they are quite impressive.

But let's be fair: without plot armor, every combination of 4 council masters might have been enough (not sure about Stass Allie, though). Kolar was considered to be one of the only Jedi who would be able to beat the Sith lord in combat. People tend to discard him because of his death where he wasn't even able to strike once. But that's more poor execution than poor skills.
