EA ADDRESS 0-0 QUITTING & HUGE CHANGES TO CHAMPS, RIVALS! Inflation Coming?.. | FC 25 Ultimate Team

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EDIT: i see a lot of people concerned that the casuals will struggle badly… unless i’m sniffing the ganja the LAST thing EA want to do is lose more casuals, every direction they have headed with the market and gameplay has been to help casuals. it seems to me that they’re just trying to go back to FIFA 17 times when the gameplay was POPPING on youtube and make it interesting to actually get better. plus give more tradeable rewards out to all ranks. of course i could be wrong, but EA cannot afford to lose a significant chuck of casuals, i think they believe this will just drive more engagement in gameplay 👍

i'll talk tomorrow about WHY i think these changes weren't advertised immediately... cuz it's very strange not to have some of these be key components of the FUT reveal right??


So the games will be twice as sweaty and nobody will ever rage quit. Sounds like a great time. Thanks EA


Ea25… the death of the mid players. I have a shit internet connection so it’s hard to get 10 wins in WL. I’m screwed for this new style. People thought weekend league was sweaty as hell this year? What till this year coming year. It’s going to make half the players find a new game to play.


Get ready to play 50 Div rivals games a


Imagine being an average player (11 wins last year or so), going into your third Weekend League, and facing people with three untradeable icons and a mega team, while you have an average team of gold players. Not only will they be better at the game than you, but they'll also have a much, much, MUCH better team this year. Let’s face it, EA screwed up again, making it worse for the average players, but this will become more obvious in the mid to long run.

In a few months, the game will be dead. The reason? These changes and, once again, too many cards. Do you really want to make a competitive game? You need to limit it to gold cards, in-forms (IF cards), and some rare icons. STOP. That would limit the pay-to-win aspect and make it competitive because team strength wouldn’t matter as much. It was like that in FIFA 16, where I could win Division 1 with a silver team and still have a great time.

Wanna go down the pay-to-win route, EA? Then go all in! All or nothing! I’d be fine with it, but in that case, make Ultimate Team free-to-play, like eFootball. But DON’T — and I repeat DON’T — in the name of everything sacred, make people pay $100 for a game that will make them regret entering Champs and never want to play again.

Casual players might not mind, but what about the average part of the community? The 70% of it? Will they buy packs out of frustration, trying to keep up with the meta and maintain the rank needed to stay competitive? Disgusting. They’ve found a new way to prey on average players, even more so.

And don’t give me any of that "they need to get better" bull****. Many people don’t have the time, talent, or mindset to get better. They’re already good, but with these new rewards and rankings? And what happens if you get disconnected because EA's servers are terrible? Zero points? EA, really? Still no win for a ragequit at 0-0? Really?

With these changes, EA’s pockets will get heavier, but people will only get more frustrated with the game. Make it free-to-play, EA. Nobody wants to pay to get screwed over by someone who’s better and has access to a much better team. Sell your Career Mode, your Pro Clubs, your whatever, but make FUT free-to-play. You make enough money with microtransactions already.

I can't take this behavior from EA, not in a game I grew up loving. I used to love FIFA. This isn’t FIFA anymore, and they’re making that clear to all of us. I was waiting to hear the gameplay changes before buying it... I’ve heard them, and I’ll pass. Maybe my time with this game has come to an end.

EA, bring back a mode like the old divisions or the World Cup mode. Make your game FUN, not just competitive. Nobody cares about friendlies, just like in real-life football.

Sort yourselves out, EA Sports. We miss the old FIFA. We miss a game made for all of us, not just for feeding the money cow.

And I'm saying this as an elite player with 900 SP. So the only “skill issue” is in the minds of those who can’t see what they’re doing to the community. I’ll pass on this year’s release, but I’ll keep watching this channel too and see what happens to the last "good" football game still standing.


My advice, don’t buy EA FC is you are a casual player with a job, studying, or have kids. EA FC 25 is targeted at the pro players, the unemployed who are too lazy to get jobs, and the uneducated kids who don’t attend school, because they’d rather stay at home and play EA FC. If the casuals don’t buy the game, do you really think they will waste their time sitting and watching content creators play?

EA want the force casual players down the buy FC Points route to try and be competitive against those who can spend 10 hours per day playing the game, get better ranks and rewards (because they have so much time to invest). Or against those who spend thousands on packs who aren’t great at the game, but their PTW teams carry them.

I cancelled my pre-order, as a casual player who is self-employed. Will use my money to buy GTA 6 next year. 😂😂😂


After one month of constant spanking, bad rewards ( compared to what they will see on YT channels, specially Auzio cumming every weekend) most players will leave and you will drown in your own sauce. There will be no casuals anymore as you all mf always wanted. Nick wont make fun of worse players, because he will face sweats all day long. Everybody should be able to make his UT, but now? Either you spend or you make Fifa your full time job and life path. As a 11-15 win guy I am out, but these changes are great for content creators and ppl with no life apart from FIFA. of course John will get his good player once in a while, but looking at the changes with roles and tactics there will be very strict meta and only strict meta players will be good. So a rank 1 player will have a meta team and a normal guy will have objective/cheap sbc, non meta team. You can compare this to rich get richer and the poor get poorer and disadvntages growing with every passing day. Like governments around the world EA wants to kill middleclass. But unlike governments that pump billions into the poverty, EA wants the poor to invest money in store packs to improve team and maybe qualify into champs (to go 1-14) and be 5-40 in rivals. Sorry for such a long post, but this changes indicate two things: 1. that presales must be down, 2. they have a very good behaviorist and psychologist on board. But they did not think of one thing. When ppl will be getting 1/10 of Auzio rewards they will just quit. There are so many games to play, books to read (hahaha), things to do and in this tiktok era kids get bored and disintrested when they blink.


If u quit 0-0 the other player should get the win. I’m sick of people knowing they’re not as good and backing out and then I get nothing 🙈


Ea think streamers and content creators make up the player base 😂 99% of the player base won’t be able to reach rank 3, idc what anyone has to say ea think this is a good change because you have people like nick, auzio and nep saying good change because it’s FOR them, Craig company


This is sweatfest 25 - the en-sweatening. The uplift in the volume of sweat is going to be bonkers. I got to Div 4 and 8 WL wins. This effectively locks me out, and the game is *terrible* at helping you learn what you’re doing wrong. It is abhorrent at this. There is no learning in game - the entire game tilts towards GO THE STORE your players are bad. I learned to defend and attack from YouTube. The in-game tutorials are shit.

You’re looking at this as a Rank 1 / Elite player. This is going to KILL casuals like me. I’m already regretting pre ordering it


How are these changes good? That’s the rank 1 player in you talking. These are terrible for majority of the players bud


R.I.P to the casual players.. EA doesnt value you and wants to get rid of you soo the game is just full of sweats 😢🤬


Everyone saying about 15 wins for pros. The cheating will be through the roof and I’m here to see them rage when someone lags them out 😂😂😂


Ummm... I can't qualify for champs because I am absolutely shit at the game in online and I don't think this will help me at all. Great 😃


Rage quits are a thing of the past now. Year of the rubber band coming. Sucks


Rank one is like .001 of all players. Not teams cause as we know you could be facing one of Anzio’s 5 teams. Most great players have multiple teams so that’s why you play one great game in Division 4 and then the next game is against some dude that should be pro.


You seem to be looking at this from the perspective of an elite player. From my casual perspective that plods along in Div 3 and 4 this looks like the death of the game for me. I probably wouldn't have bought the game had i known of these changes. Back in the old days of 30 WL games i used to enjoy grinding out 14 wind and then not loading the game up until the next WL


So, if my opponent has a monster team, just quit. Its going to be the rattiest game ever.


Remember when people said playing this game felt like a chore well here's more ladies and gentlemen good luck 😂😂


They’re replacing rage quits with rubber banding. Looking forward to playing someone AFK for 2/3 of every match.
