Top 7 Países mais ricos do mundo_ G7 (PPP) Ranking History| 1980~2020|

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The G7 (group with the largest economies in the world) with GDP
nominal and real separated by country. Estimates for 2020 and 2021 are for the year 2019,
long before the CONVID-19 pandemic. We will correct the figures as soon as they are released.
🔥Source: IMF- International Monetary Fund

O G7(grupo com as maiores economias do mundo) com PIB
nominal e real separado por paises.As estimativas de 2020 e 2021 são do ano 2019,
muito antes da pandemia do CONVID-19.Corrigiremos os numeros assim que eles forem divulgados.
🔥fonte: IMF- Fundo Monetario Internacional


# G7 # largest economies
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