Best Catholic Gift Guide

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That being said... here are links.

Videos Mentioned:

***Category 1: Statues and Dolls***
St. Joseph Statue:


****Category 2: Wearables***

****Category 3: Bibles and Books****

EXCELLENT New Testament:

EXCELLENT Fake Leather Secret of the Rosary:

****Category 4: Rosaries****

Rugged Rosaries & Combat Rosaries

****Category 5: Sacred Art****

**** Category 6: Support this ministry :)****
Рекомендации по теме

Your videos have changed my life. Because of your videos I now pray the Rosary. I'm now a Catholic. And just recently I started wearing a brown scapular. Keep doing what you're doing. Your videos make a difference in people's lives and your videos helped convert me to the faith. Thank you


I don't know why but your videos soothe me.


First time viewer. I'm what they call a cradle Catholic, veered off into KJV Christianity and now finding my way back to Catholicism. I still have my 1960s Missal and a BIG Catholic Bible that was sold to my parents by a door-to-door salesman back in the 60s. Having an aunt that was a nun meant that our home was full of all sorts of art, statues, crucifixes, rosaries, medals, etc. Thank you for the website for making canvases. My favorite painting is Madonna of the Lillies and I think I'll try to get that on canvas. Not a lot of Catholics in my area, but many up North where I'm from. Thank you for renewing my interest.


Oh i wish i could get my dad the St Therese of the child Jesus doll, he loves this saint ❤ id take st Anthony of Padua or st Charbel of Lebanon. Btw i have the same cross with the St Benedict medal. I am a brown scapular wearer and my car fell off a cliff, I said:"Maryyy help me", and i felt something coating me, sorry im not that good in English, i felt a presence all around me protecting me. I went 20 meters down the cleavage, my car was a wreck, and thanks to Mary and her scapular, Ive gotten not even a single cut or a minor injury. Nothing. Thk God, thank you Mother of Jesus and of the world!! Guys, have faith, God is real.


The shining light dolls are so beautiful 😍
I wear a scapular every day, and I recently added a saint Joseph medal.


I did purchase one of the rosaries you showed for my aunt. She was amazed. She is in her 90s and has been praying the rosary all her life. We
Are going to get it blessed. Ave María! Thank you for all you do.


It's great fun being a person that likes to give handmade gifts, made by myself, and being a rosary maker. Rest assured my family and loved ones have many different types of rosaries, made by me. I'll admit I should branch out more. Lol


Great ideas Gabriel. I wear my father’s gold Miraculous Medal that was given to him in 1960 by his sister. It is so special to me because I feel The Blessed Virgin Mary and my father are with me throughout the day.


I laughed when you smelled your copy of the Diary of Saint Faustina! Lol. I'm giving my in laws rosaries and a copy of The Secrets of the Rosary for Christmas this year. Remember them in your prayers please. Thank you for your videos!


Dear Gabirel, I owe your videos everything for changing my life. Back in March, I thought I had a vocation to the priesthood, but I never spent time praying and spent all my life wasting my time being lazy. I also have had a long history of struggling with temptations and worst of all, hyperscruplouness because I always thought that every sin I committed was a mortal sin and that I was going to Hell. I decided to give up the phone and electronics for Lent, and then finally started praying the Rosary, but after watching your video( I was lazy about the no electronics rule at first), I finally started realizing that all the temptations I struggled with all day long could go away if I started praying many Rosary's a day. I then started to face the worst froms of scrupolous yet because I started to pray 10 hours a day, stay up till 2:00am, fast to the point of losing 15 pounds, and many more all out of fear that I was going to Hell. My life was absolutely miserable at the start of May and Late April, but God never left me and sent me first a priest to assure me to give up all the scrupolous praying and penances, and I finally started re-praying the Rosary (The 10 hours of prayers were mostly just a whole lot of Our Fathers and Hail Mary's, not the Rosary itself). Then I met the confessor who fixed all my problems and assured me that I was not going to Hell. Since then I kept the 4 Rosaries every day and My calling to the Preisthood is stronger than ever, I also have become a member of the local pro life community and God used me to save a child on October 2nd ( I named him Vincent as my spiritual son). Finally, I am trying to preach the Rosary to all my friends at school and have started to go the Latin Mass full time. God Bless you Gabriel, Our Lady is certainly using you for the Will of God. I will pray for you and hope you will do the same.


THANK you Gabi for the Good teachings...Mother Mary please pray for me to love your son Jesus more and more...From Uganda


I’m in Turkey at the moment and the amount of icons for sale is incredible. All of them are gorgeous as well. Great video!


We live in Australia and I have bought lovely items from Catholics online. It's in America and a good company but costs us more than double the cost due to money exchange. Plus shipping and takes months. So I find it better to order from Ark Catholic supplies as it's located in N.S.W. good quality and cheaper and faster delivery. Plus Etsy for brown scabulars and miraculous medals made in Italy. For books I have purchased them via Tan, Sophia press, booktopia, Ark or even St.Pauls publications.
I have also been fortunate to have inherited my dad's Catholic art, books and prayer cards.


Gabi I love your channel and I have a scapular, rosary (on my neck), always long modest dresses, chapel veil.And I’m only 10! My mother taught me how to love God


I listened to a talk you had about having pictures of Jesus & the Virgin Mary up around your house.. when I came home I went to put my keys on a wall key holder & there was a small keychain with the pictures Jesus & the Virgin Mary on it! 1st time ever seeing the keychain.


Yes, I totally agree with gifting something you know the person would like and include a sacramental with its instruction/teaching etc... this is how I gift as well. I am so happy to have stumbled upon your videos recently. Gabriel, you are motivating and totally spiritually contagious. :)


On wearebles, I am wearing a 4 way scapular and a pardon crucifix. Wow! What, how graces! Boy, when someone is negative to me I respond positively so easy...I don't even have to struggle... very rare arguing... wow!


Great gift ideas!! I admit I’d like to buy some of these for myself, but I wish for everyone to have and respect these good gifts 💖❤️💕


I found Canvas Champ via your earlier videos. I love their work. Everything is well priced and well made. I have a whole wall dedicated to Saint Rapahel. And I eventually will have the Holy Family, a Jesse Tree, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Another benefit of using Canvas Champ is that you almost always rack up discounts and pay less each time you order. Thanks for the tip!


Love that you educate us as to where to fine sacramentals. Appreciate all that you do.Thank you Gabriel for all your hard work.!🙏😘👍
