The satanic god of Richard Dawkins

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Atheist assertions do not cause me to doubt the character of God. God's character causes me to doubt the assertions of atheists.
I have zero interest in any sort of atheist hatchet job on God's character or God's word. There is no argument. There is no debate. There is no discussion. Either get it right, or walk away. It's that simple.
Atheists are either deliberatly misrepresenting the character of God and the truth of His word, or else they are deeply deceived.
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Mr tadreamer, it would appear that you haven't read the old testament!


They call our Holy God all kinds of names and they claim that He doesn't exist?
They are lost and confused!


Perhaps we haven't read the same Old Testament.

Dawkins description of the god character we find there is spot on.


"Because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 2 Thessalonians 2


It's called "stong delusion". It's what God turns people over to when they reject God's revelation of Himself.


sin is just making wrong of what, most of teh time, is pure human nature, like sexual desire, putting humans in a state of guilt for being who they are, i don't want to generalize, but i don't recognize sin as christian, i recognize wrong and good by their nature, if someone hurt another, if kills for pleasure, if it's greedy toword whom who needs help, if refuses to get up and help, i point that to be wrong, not because an authority tells me so.


One important thing science has yet to completely understand is infinity. That's because science is restricted to numbers. I'm astonished because science does know about perpetual motion and that matter and energy is neither created or destroyed, they merely change. It shouldn't take that much to comprehend that God would be infinite, so your questions are irrelevant. If you think about the "big bang" that's just a science description of God and creation.


even customs and practices vary from place to place...its not guided by a divine force, ,if you go to marriage ceremonies of hindus from gujarat to arunachal pradesh you can know that ...none of their rituals are similar..even in a same place different castes of hindus practice different why cant i chose a new way for myself ?


Some religious people claim to know everything, but by no means all of them. I think most religious people simply want to live life the best they can with no ill will toward anyone else. Neither science or religion should have the power to dictate what we think, feel and live. I see people in the name of science trying to do just that, like Richard Dawkins. It's quite the struggle every time I go to the doctor always trying to tell me what to do. I don't see religion doing that.


Delusion: "a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact" aka Religion/ Faith.
Science: "systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation"
Dawkins is not the one making delusional claims here.


Did you miss the "in all of fiction" part of the quote?

Thankfully, Yahweh is fictional, but he certainly behaves as a villain in the Old Testament.


id love to see him debate reincarnation


How do you define Good & Bad People in atheism.


god does not exist never has never will. the funk of religion must lift off humanity to allow science to forge ahead without the shackles of ridiculous childish dogma


Sin is a tool that Christianity uses (along with hell) to scare people into it.


when you ask how, why, or when this universe is created to a answer will be """all by god""""and there not intellectually satisfying in any means, , , , so scientists started questioning every thing...and they are extremely good at that thing ...


every human has intrinsic nature to distinguish between good and bad, , , neither it be an atheist, or a theist ....even a child can say hitler (roman catholic) bin laden (muslim) kanchi shankaracharya (hindu) is good or bad, , , , isnt it??
religion or absence of religion has nothing to do with that ..


Ah so what you are saying is. Out of all of the story books that man has ever written, there is one that comfortably blows every other idea out of the water for says so.

Impressive argument, where do I sign up? Oh wait I live in a country that promotes thought, never mind.


The answer is simple in my religion which i grew up, i am the person who is in 2... i offer myself to save the other five. It is a easy decision for me.


devout? not with such disobedience to God's word. "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?" 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 I don't believe you.
