BBC Click 360: The world's first entirely 360 TV episode - BBC Click

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Experience BBC flagship technology programme Click like never before in this first of a kind special 360 degree programme.
Travel by helicopter to the desolate face of a glacier in the Swiss alps, go 100m underground inside the world's largest physics experiment CERN with never-before-seen footage of the complex, witness world firsts: the 360 degree magic trick and a preview of computer game SUPERHOT.

Plus hear from industry experts and the team about how we made the show, and how you too could soon be making your own 360 content.

360 video must be viewed in Chrome desktop or through the YouTube app on mobile devices.

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Well done the BBC. World leaders of content creation. Always number 1.


Just stunning...
This i why I pay my licence fee.


Awesome job Click, you make the bbc proud - thumbs up!


This is absolutely wonderful. I enjoyed this so much. And I realized that there is other videos in 360 now too, this opened me up to a whole new world of viewing pleasure. Thank you for expanding my mind.


This is absolutely brilliant! I watched this with my headset and I actually felt like I was there! Watching this was slightly disorientating because I had to constantly look around to make sure I wasn't missing stuff that may have popped up on screen, but as a whole the experience was wonderful. Quality programming like this is an example of why the BBC needs continued funding from the government.


Wow. Impressed! Thank you BBC. This is what I pay my licence fee for - innovative work


After seeing this for the FIRST TIME.. Meaning the way you shot this entire thing, i just realized how much i have been missing my entire life. Makes me sad... But i am happy you are pushing forward and bring awesome content and ideas like this. SUPER AWESOME... I will have to watch a few times and still see it differ.


If this is the future of TV...
... I think I'm gonna like it.


I can't believe people are moaning about this - don't they realise that Click is a technology show, with a brief to showcase innovation; doing innovative things itself is part of the point of the show, not something to criticise.


Well done Click! I watched the whole thing using my Google cardboard and a spinning office chair!


A lot of negatives against something that is in its infancy and is broadcasting genesis and shot at CERN in the LHC. It is clear that those of you dishing out insults have no patients or an idea about (TV/film) history and technology.

Stereotypically, new mediums are often projected (interpreted) through the lens of the incumbent platforms which precede it. The first automobile was considered a ‘horseless carriage’. The first motion picture content was essentially just televised theatre for what now, in the age of Breaking Bad, seems quite a naive yet very violent time - initially, music was only played in cinemas to cover the sound of the projectors - it is all baby-steps. Simply reimagining the experience of an old medium through a new (one) may be the path of least resistance yet, it ignores the unique elements of the new. In order to fulfill its true potential, a new medium needs to abandon previous biases and embrace the characteristics and constraints which are unique to it, however rough it may seem at first.
VR's intention is to replicate and or replace the reality we natively experience. It is, by design, "the last medium".

Well done, Click cast and crew. it certainly is no easy task to be the first against wall. I enjoyed your groundbreaking coverage very much.


That's one of the coolest / cleverest things I've ever seen! I can imagine the poor chap stitching it all together and his saying "never again" constantly throughout the process. Well done to everyone!


Watching this on my Google Cardboard was pretty compelling, even on my crappy phone. Really hope more of this is to come!


Wonderful. Really enjoyed this. Lots of fun. It felt immersive and some of snow/mountain shots were really quite something. What a great idea. When I saw you were gonna do this, I never realised I'd be able to join in, but luckily I read on your website I could use my iPhone and the YouTube app. Maybe I'm easily pleased, but I thought it was f**kin awesome! Nice one Click.


This is amazing, I wonder why it's not all over the place by now. This is what I pictured 20 years ago when the web got started because there were a few sites where they sort of had 360 single pictures of famous locations.


viewing this on my Android phone's YouTube app is seriously amazing!! HD VR being streamed over a wireless connection!! 10/10 guys


Those making comments about the video quality need to know that if you click on the settings icon (cog) on the bottom right of the YouTube you can increase the quality right up to 4K if your internet speed is capable of streaming it and your monitor is capable of displaying it.
This is a TV show presented online, so it IS a first. I'd like to see a TV that's capable of showing a 360° environment without using an internet connection and a browser.




Great work BBC, that clip at CERN really put you in the picture and showed just how big the CMS is.


Wow! How did this tech suddenly spring from obscure fun thing on the Internet to a professionally produced TV programme made by the BBC? I'm really impressed. Most of the scenes really do appear to have something added to the overall impact by having the virtual 360 degrees. It's not just a gimmick. Little things like Spencer having to point go what you're supposed to be looking at make it fun. And functional. Great job!
