DaveCheney - Reproducible Builds
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Dave Cheney talks dependency management and Go and how to get a repeatable build.
DaveCheney - Reproducible Builds
Dave Cheney on 'idiomatic Go' and gatekeeping
Why everyone should do reproducible builds - Bernhard M Wiedemann
Reproducible Builds
Reproducible Builds for a Better Future
Binary Reproducible Builds with Docker - Mike Long
Intro to gb, a Project-based Build Tool for Go by Dave Cheney
Arch Conf 2020 - The State of Reproducible Builds
h01ger: Reproducible builds everywhere and beyond
5 things Go taught me about open source? Dave Cheney (VMWare)
Reproducible builds: Two years in the trenches…
Flock 2015 - Reproducible builds in Koji - Mike McLean
Introducing reproducible builds
2017 Reproducible Builds - where do we want to go tomorrow?
Reproducible, Relocatable, Customizable Builds+Packaging with HashDist | SciPy 2014 | Aron Ahmadia
Simplicity and the ideas that Go left behind - GopherConIndia 2015
Reproducible Builds and Hash Equivalence in the Yocto Project - Joshua Watt, Garmin
Reproducible builds - Chris Lamb
Dewald Viljoen - Rapid, Reproducible Builds - Treating our build servers like production
Golang-syd | TinyTerm with by Dave Cheney
JUC Europe 2015 - A Reproducible Build Environment with Jenkins
Hackerhotel 2019: Jelly & Raboof: Improving Open Source Security with Reproducible Builds
FOSDEM 2016 - Janson - Beyond Reproducible Builds
Muz - The Reproducible Builds Project