Straighten boards. No jointer. No jig.

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If you're buying lumber from the mill or the lumber yard, the wood usually has rough edges that need to be straightened. This can be a challenge for a woodworker who doesn't have all the toys yet. Luckily, you can get PERFECT edges on the roughest board with just a jack plane and a common table-saw. It's an easy technique and it helps you progress at a woodworker. Best of all, you can put off buying a bulky, noisy, expensive jointer.

Follow me on instagram: @rexkrueger
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I have to say Rex that a lot of what you demonstrate in these video's was 'hammered' in to me by my school woodwork teacher nigh on 50 years ago however, I thoroughly enjoy your video's, your content and presentation. Schools do not teach woodwork here in the UK anymore so the only way they youngsters of today can experience the craft is if they are lucky enough to know someone who works with wood or is fortunate enough to watch a YouTube channel such as yours. Keep making these video's my friend and I'll keep watching. Thank you 🙂


Thank you for your honest video title. Many people say, video not using a jointer, but the use a table planer and vice versa. You said, no jointer and you used a hand planer which many DIY'ers want to see. Thank you.


After all that work making a perfect rectangular prism of wood, who would have the heart to cut it and use it in another project? :)


For you fellow wood wrkers that have troubles with hand planes make long stroke s, of course keep eyeballing your and proceed with confidence, practice on scrap wood to get your stroke dwn.and don't get frustrated, mistakes are coming, enjoy your work, don't get dwn on yourselves. Keep the chips flowing and grin when it's right.


Your way of teaching and explaining things in depth and concise is unmatched. Seriously, you spout some incredibly valuable and detailed information! Thank you so much for doing what you do.


Love your videos, Rex! As a hobbyist starting out, I can't tell you just how much they help. On a side note, I don't know why you laughed at taking a plane everywhere...I'm sure any restaurant would love if you dropped your plate and trued up the table! ;)


What a joy 😊 I am watching certain videos twice so it all stays logical and stays in my head! Think back 25 years I couldn’t get this type of start or help, I still recall sitting to a library trying to find what I needed to know in book I could follow and pictures/diagrams! OK all free but not free like you!! I still don’t do free, happy to do offers and promotions, just not free.
So thanks, please keep it going and stay a quality production.


I can take a board that has a not-quite-straight edge and, in a few minutes with a jack or jointer plane, create nothing short of a roller coaster that leans crazily to the right and left.

"Practice", they say. But the more I practice, the more boards I ruin.


I use a straight edge and clamp my boards to it as I run them through my table saw set with a ripping blade, it saves time I just don't have. I love your videos and does create a thinking process we should do before any project.


Rex: This is six inches, its not that much.

Every guy watching: Hey!


I have been using his system since this was posted and I have gotten very good at it. I don't own a table saw and will most likely never had the need to buy one. Thanks Rex.


Rex- "I always have my jack plane with me"
The rest of us- "and the 10 or 12 spares you own, you tool hoarder."


I can hardly wait till I grow up like Rex and get my own plane...
I have been scouting the thrift stores, pawn shops, and flea markets but here in Texas many of these places are VERY proud of their old hand tools.


If you are going to tablesaw the edge you hand planed.. why not use a different method? The only reason you need a straight edge is to ride along the fence for a straight cut on the other side. Use a piece of board or plywood that you know has a straight edge and clamp the board to that reference piece then run it in the tablesaw with that reference piece clamped to your board against the fence.

There are also sleds for this where you can clamp the board at whatever angle and run the sled in the mitre slot giving a perfect straight cut somewhere on the board you need.. then you just cut the other side.


I appreciate your existence in this universe of ours. Kudos, I'm learning from you.


help ive been planing all day my board is gone now


Yeah, there are certain hand tools I always carry when I go to a job. People often don’t know I have them. But when the power goes out on a job, which has happened a number of times, I’m still able to keep production going because I don’t need electricity.

My grandfather was a union carpenter, and he taught me a lot. We did projects together when I was only about six years old. We used a lot of hand tools. In fact the only power tool he used in his shop was the table saw. Well, he also used a grinding wheel to shape metal.

When I went to the tech school for carpentry, the first thing they taught us was to use hand tools. When we had a good handle on the use of hand tools, THEN we moved onto power tools. That goes to show you, seasoned instructors KNOW that truly understanding wood involves using hand tools where you can really FEEL what the wood is doing.

Today I try to use hand tools whenever I can. They’re quieter, which means I can work later without bothering people. And it’s just far far far more relaxing. And you feel really in tune with what you’re making.


Once again, I become a better woodworker watching your videos! I was considering a jointer, but I already have a jack plane so gonna try this first. Thanks!


9:14 Rex meets his wife at the bar. Wife goes, " - Is that a jackplane in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" 😎


When time is of no consequence...

When time matters though, a straight edge, a few clamps, and a router gets the job done. And it gets it done with far better results than a jointer ever could.
