Calculus 2, Lec 10B, Numerical Integration on Mathematica, Improper Integrals and Probability

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Calculus 2, Lecture 10B. Includes how to program Simpson's Rule using Mathematica.

(0:00) Future quiz possibilities and another Mathematica assignment for Fall 2016.
(0:43) Review Mathematica code from Lecture 10A and errors in approximations (sorry about my mistakes).
(10:26) Simpson's Rule as a weighted average of the midpoint and trapezoid rules, with the midpoint rule having twice the weight as the trapezoid rule.
(12:29) Improper integrals in the context probabilities for wait times for cars entering intersections.
(16:09) Verify that the total area under the graph of the probability density function (pdf) is 1.
(21:08) Find the probability that the wait time is at least 10 seconds.
(25:40) An example of a probability density function that is concave down at first before it's concave up.
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