Financial Aid Appeal Strategies That Can Get You More Money! 💰

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80% of students/families I have helped through the financial aid appeal process have recieved additional scholarship money ranging from $3000-$30,000!

Listen in as I talk about financial aid appeal strategies that will get you more money!

Don't miss my upcoming webinar Monday, Dec. 19th at 8pm EST "Financial Aid Appeal Strategies That Will Get you More Money". For just $49 I Will help you craft an effective appeal letter using key strategies that could get you thousands more dollars in financial aid!

To set up a FREE 10 minute discovery call with me to learn more about my programs and services click here,

Registration for my Financial Aid Academy for the 22/23 year (for parents of rising high school seniors) is open! 🙌

This virtual program runs every year from September 1st and runs through May 31st.

It's not to late to join, enrollment is still open!

There are three different levels of service in the Academy for you to choose from, depending on how closely you want to work with me throughout the senior year financial aid process.


Last year the PLUS and PRO levels filled up and I had to cut off registration early as I limit the number of families in these levels so that I can provide quality services to them.
How The Financial Aid Academy was born. 🤩

When I started this business I quickly realized that 90% of my clients and people reaching out to me for questions were parents of high school seniors navigating the overwhelming financial aid process for the first time.

Often times they came to me in sheer panic 😫when the financial aid offers rolled out not knowing how they were going to afford college tuition.
So I set out to create an AFFORDABLE coaching program specifically for them that spanned the entire senior year to help them:

✅ Get prepared before that time came so there were no surprises
✅ Better understand the financial aid process and feel less stressed navigating it
✅ Fill out the FAFSA and CSS Profile (if required) correctly and avoid common mistakes that could cost them thousands of dollars
✅ Stay on track and not miss important deadlines
✅ Find colleges their families could
✅ Access all the financial aid they are entitled to
✅ Maximize their financial aid offers
✅ Feel more secure and confident while having direct access to a professional who has worked in the financial aid field for over 30 years.

I have helped hundreds of families navigate the overwhelming financial aid process and get the best aid offers possible through my Financial Aid Academy.

On average, families who enroll in the Academy receive an additional $25,000 in financial aid over the course of 4 years on top of their regular financial aid offers! 💰

Click the link below to learn more.

If you're looking for a shorter program where you can learn everything you need to know about financial aid and how to maximize your aid offers then check out my Financial Aid 101 MasterClass!

This course is set up in easy to digest sections and designed for you to move along at your own pace.

Рекомендации по теме

Is it silly to mention the property taxes and insurance costs in an appeal letter? Both have increased substantially. My husband and I also still owe on student loans, mostly mine from graduate school and I'm unable to work. Husband is the only one working and income is too high to qualify our child for much aid. Thanks


I have just received a minimal financial aid disbursement of $1300 for my son. I have just recently lost my job and put that down as a big reason for needing special circumstance. His tuition is $20, 000. How much do you charge to represent us these kind of matters.


I lost my financial aid due to lack of meeting gpa requirements. I would like help on how to go through the appeal process I did make progress on fixing my gpa last semester


What does a typical fasfa amount look like for a graduate student (asking for self not child). Is there grants for graduate students or is it just loans?


My daughter has received scholarship offers from some of her favorite schools.
Is they the same as a “financial aid offer”?


Hi. My son is currently a senior in HS. He was denied financial aid based on our income. Should we try to file an appeal even though my sonwas denied based on our income?


My mother lost her job in April of 2022. She had not been able to get another job and makes zero today. What am I to do?


Yeah I’m about to call them…my school is 20, 000 a year and all I got was…8, 000 a year!!!
