RUST Electrical | The MINI FACTORY Version 1 | Automated Crafting for Small Bases - 2024

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Automatic Crafting for SOLO / DUO / TRIO! #rust

RUST Electrical | The MINI FACTORY Version 1 | Automated Crafting for Small Bases - 2024

In this video I teach you how to build The Mini Factory - designed for small groups and bases.

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Music Credits:
Main - Rich in the 80s by DivKid (YouTube Library)
Outro - 80S Powerful Cinematic Synthwave [ Synth Stylish Fashion Youtube Ads ] (purchased from Pond5)

Video Contents:
0:00 - Intro
0:50 - Mini Factory Basic Tour
2:38 - The Build: Conveyors & Timers
11:37 - The Build: Timer Loops
16:46 - The Build: Auto Start Circuit
17:45 - The Build: Power Distribution
26:42 - System Explanation (Commentary)
30:22 - The Problem You Need to Know About
37:04 - Outro
Рекомендации по теме

Would love to see a vid on placement of everything in the mini factory. How to make it all fit in a 1x1 and look neat.


such well put together videos. thank you


Damn dude, this must have taken an age to make!

Good work, I'll be bookmarking this video for future wipes!


Another awesome video! Thank you for the content!


bro how do you just have 6k subs??? underrated channel!! awesome builds :) keep it up


Excellent work Austin, works like a dream. Im having an issue with the auto start however, when i flick the switch i dont get everything going, it requires me to flick the auto start timer manually, ive built it a couple of times - same issue - what am i missing aside some brain cells?


I would love to have a full schematic blueprint of this saved as a file


Can you add in the description the items and the amount? The tutorial is fantastic but having to watch it once fully to get a count of what items to craft and the amount and then re-watching to implement it is rough.


I'm thinking a self-loading vending machine would be a good future topic.


As much as I enjoy using your content as a point of reference, I find it difficult to match up the values on the timers and branches. I find myself watching and scanning through 30 times just to give up and try to figure out the math by myself. I can't imagine it would take long to throw together a super basic diagram on rustrician and input the values. It would take less than a tenth of the time as the in game build.


real cool stuff, would it be possible to use memory cells so you only need half the timers?
every time it cycles through it would just switch to the inverted power... or is there something I don't understand in the circuit?

I do know there's defo a part I don't understand...
How does it not just pull resources when its cycling through.
like what part of it goes oh there's an AK missing turn on the AK crafter.
because on the right side the fail output doesnt seem to not be connected to anything.
(maybe I'm just missing something obvious :P )


With the new power update in rust i hope you can revisit this and make it work again. or i did something wrong but for me its not working anymore at the moment


Why do you need a timer to toggle on? Why cant you just send the filter pass stright to toggle on?


Hey, love the videos. Im struggling with something i think should be simple and might be a video idea... I have vending machines selling stuff for wood and sulfer, the main aim of my industry loop is to make explosives. i have auto crafters, furnaces, boxes and the venders all hooked up but i cant figure out how to ignite the furnaces once and once only when wood arrives. Ive tried timers, switch combos and the igniter burns out while i am offline...


Hey, What would i design look like for this if I just wanted meds, both ammo, explosive ammo, rocket, c4. I feel like i don't see myself wanted auto crafted guns. I just craft the guns when i need them but the time it takes to always wait to have meds and raiding stuff ready is the time sink. The only other thing that would be nice to setup is setup filling locker for kits but not necessary


austin please help got this all working but the conveyor only moves stack of 60 even tried using buffer and moves 60 and turns off which blocks the system any idea how to fix this ? p.s even tried a throughtput doubler but did nothing


How do you write on the painting board?


I love making stuff like this but my team usually plays for a week on a server until they wipe so many bases that they kill the pvp. I don't like spending the time it takes and then don't get much use. Our base takes up 1/2 of a grid and we get so many work benches from raids that it's faster to just do 2 item per bench. Also faster craft time


You dont happen to have the rustrician ciruit for this do you?
