Power BI Dev Camp Session 24 - Bringing Power BI into the Dataverse through the Magic of Synapse

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Most Dataverse implementations, whether they be Power Apps or Dynamics 365 CE on the front-end, contain amazingly valuable data for the end-users and for the organizations' leadership. Although Direct Query is one way to connect Power BI to Dataverse, enterprise deployments will benefit from using Synapse Link feature which is far more appropriate for larger data volumes. Join Scott Sewell, Principal Program Manager with the Microsoft Power BI Customer Advisory Team to learn the surprising options and best practices (and potential pitfalls) of connecting Power BI with Dataverse though Synapse Server.

It is recommended (but not required) that campers have experience working with Dataverse with either Power Apps or Dynamics 365 CE.

Dataverse to Power BI connectivity with Azure Synapse Link

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