My EDC / Survival Kit

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I've been asked if I do anything besides play with fire so in this video I change the pace and show my Every Day Carry / Survival Kit that I carry in a Maxpedition H1 Waistpack.
I also explain my thoughts on the "Rules of Three For Outdoor Survival".

STIXSURVIVAL's "Maxpedition H1 Waistpack Survival kit" Link:

Maxpedition H1 Waistpack Link:
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probably don't carry that anymore, but if you do I would swap out the coffee filters for a 100 percent cotton bandana. multi purpose. can filter your water same as the coffee filter but double as first aid bandages and put it in the tin foil to make char cloth. thanks for sharing and thanks for your service.


Yes. I warmed up the Vaseline just a little and I was able to pour it down the tube. Not too warm or it melts the tube and/or leaks through.


I don't think there's an axiom in the world I hate more than "two is one, one is none."  No, two is two, and one is one, and if one is all you need, buy one. I see all kind of what we call "Canterbury nuts" come into the woods carrying two of everything.   This always means they aren't carry half the things they need, or they're carrying so much they wear out in nothing flat.   If you do need two, then it's silly to buy two cheaper ones.  Either something is good enough, or it isn't.  If it is good enough, then fine, buy cheap.  If cheap is good enough, why buy expensive, even if you need only one?  If it isn't, then buy two expensive ones.   The "three weeks without food" is almost as bad because it isn't true.  Well, it is true IF you're in controlled conditions.  It is not true if you're in a survival situation.   After a few days without food, you'll be weak, and soon thereafter you'll start hallucinating.  Your  immune system will crash, and then you die, most often in no more than a week.   This is, without doubt, the most dangerous bit of advice out there.  It not only is not true, it gets people killed every year.  The "three hours without shelter" is almost never true, either.   I frequently go weeks without shelter.    Judge the shelter you need by the conditions you'll face, not by some axiom that isn't true.


probably don't carry that anymore, but if you do I would swap out the coffee filters for a 100 percent cotton bandana. multi purpose. can filter your water same as the coffee filter but double as first aid bandages and put it in the tin foil to make char cloth. thanks for sharing and thanks for your service.


BIG TIP HERE!! Be sure to make a backup PHOTOCOPY of each and every thing in your Wallet... Drivers License, Gat Permit, AAA Card, Credit Cards etc etc... Just-in-Case your wallet, somehow or other, goes missing. You'll have every ID & number, Reg #'s, contact info and so on. Just lay it all out on the copier glass and push the button. Cretin proof task too. Do get caught without having this information recorded and put away safely. "Gee, why didn't I think of this?" How many years has it been now that you haven't a record of your wallet contents ? NumbSkulls.


Wrap (neatly) around your tin paracord . If done neatly you should be ably to get 8 feet of paracord wrapped around the tin and still be able to fit the tin into the bag the tin is stored in . Next, use a cloth bag to carry your polythene/mylar waterbags in. You can use the cloth bag to do the same function as the coffee filters if your filters are used and gone . Lastly try and keep net "eyelets" in your pack, when fastened to a cut stick you can use them eyelets to make a very nice fishing rod. But anyway you cut it, your kit is a good kit to have.


Mr . Cook I'm 14 and most of you will think I don't know what I'm talking about but I was in Boy Scouts I hunt and fish and everything but char cloth is help ful you've got the can all you do is take a piece of cloth and put it in the can and put it on a fire once you do that let it sit till It starts smoking and after its done smoking just take off the lid and boom you have easy fire


Most of the oven bags are heat resistant nylon. Some cooks use 'paper' (parchment) because paper burns at 451 Fahrenheit according to the


that is a nice pouch with alot of goodies too.


A well thought out kit matey not bad for the size either :)


Max perdition is great man. I’ve been carrying the TC3 for the past 3 years for my leatherman surge, bit kits, extension, lighter, 7 in 1 pen, flashlight and cash, but it’s a little too tight. I’m waiting for the M1 to come.

I’m hoping that with the extra space, I’ll be able to squeeze in a few more pieces of equipment.

Absolutely love maxpedition. Good quality gear.


This is a slick little kit. But something I think you could replace one of those knives with is a decent swiss army knife. Like the victorinox fieldmaster, hiker, tinker, or super tinker definitely victorinox though. I always have one on me besides my larger folder, currently the sog flash II. But I use the hell out of them at work, the family farm, and camping, and they really hold up, the overall utility for the price is hard to beat. But I'm really liking this kit. I may get one myself!


can never have enough coordage as its one of the most time consuming tasks to reproduce in the wild, specially fishing line as its almost impossible to reproduce in the wild if you want it to be strong and have a small diameter, I always pack extra coordage if I got the space to spare, and for a survival kit I always pack kevlar or dacron fishingline as they have a amazing strength compared to their real thin diameter wich makes them great for building shelters etc aswell as to fish with


Hi Hiram. Has your kit changed at all since this video? I'm not sure if you already did it, but would it be possible to see your other kit that's attached to your sheath knife, the one you showed in the beginning of this video? It looks like a mag pouch you've attached to that knife. I've been wanting to do the same thing for this summer.


Make a handle out of paracord for the H1. I replaced my coffee filters with a N95 dust mask that I folded and vacuum sealed to take up less room and to protect it. I also vac packed medical gloves(many uses). If you have a vacuum sealer try to pack two mylar blankets and vac seal them, takes up way less room.


Great video. Like someone else said, some bug juice is nice to have. I find that MRE Tabasco bottles or perfume sample vials filled with bug juice works well, but tape it closed or dip the cap in wax to keep it sealed. The other thing I always carry in the summer is Orajel with 20% benzocaine for bee stings, bug bites and even blisters if you're forced to walk on them.


Great organization. Things to maybe add: $20 bill in back with lens, mini-sharpie, cut down grease pencil, unlubed condom (companionship :-)), short plastic straw, squirt stick of hand sanitizer, small SAK (comes w/toothpick&tweezers) - put in side pocket w/saw, water proof paper, aspirin/advil/whatever, picture of loved one (moral!)


a clear bag with handles to carry your oven bags in may work better because that would allow the sun to purify your water if you ran out of tablets, and i would definitely add a credit card sized fresnel lens for fire starting. thanks for the tip about the lighter


Buy, or make a paracord bracelet and wrap/clip it on the outside of the pack somewhere. For the extra mylar blanket, put it on top of everything just before you close the inner liner. You also might buy a small cheap cell phone case to clip onto the pack for extra space. Nice packing though.


Hiram...thanks, couple idea's, ever tried Berkley Fireline? It would double as rope/fishing line, VERY strong, and small diameter. Also, try wrapping duck tape around nails. Then have nail and duck tape. I add 4 boulion cubes in miniture zip locks that I picked up at Hobby Lobby. Keep em coming
