Reiki for Body Cleanse | Whole Body Detox

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Reiki for Body Cleanse | Whole Body Detox - Energy Healing Session from a Reiki Master Teacher. 🔻MORE INFORMATION🔻

This Reiki is intended to help your body get rid of harmful substances.
It aims to cleanse the toxins, remove negative energies and brings rejuvenating energy to improve the functioning of your body.

Being in a sleep, awake, occupied or engaged in other activities while simultaneously
receiving Reiki, will never impair from its effectiveness.
Reiki always works for your highest good and most benevolent outcomes.

The infinite wisdom of Reiki flows only where it is desired, affecting matter at subtle levels. Your personal acceptance and openness to receiving this healing energy will dictate the level of energy to receive.

You are encouraged to play this distance healing recording repeatedly as often as you wish. This Reiki sessions can have cumulative effects, meaning, the healing energy infused in these videos is amplified each time you play it.

Each of us has our unique response to the healing energy and our experience can indeed vary from session to session. It depends on how sensitive someone is to energy. Just relax and enjoy this healing energy flowing to you.

This is a "real time" Reiki session recorded from the beginning to end. While channeling energy my focused and devoted attention will prevail throughout the session. Therefore, I do not speak and remain silent at all times. Soothing background music is used to further promote deeper relaxation during the session.

In order for Reiki to work effectively, please be open to receiving the healing energy.
It is extremely beneficial to drink water after receiving Reiki as part of the healing process.

Important Note: Treatment with Energy Healing such as Reiki - does not promise to cure any illness or condition nor replaces professional medical treatment.


For more information, please visit:

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I did everything possible to ensure that you really enjoy this Free Reiki Video Session and I will do everything in my power, in case you need any help. However, I want to put here clearly that I do not perform miracles and I do not promise to cure anyone. In critical situations, please, use your common sense and help yourself first by seeking qualified professional help.

My services may be useful for many but not for everyone, so I wanted to emphasize that there are no promises, guarantees or representations that you will attain cure of any condition nor win or earn any money as a result of using any of my services. The use of any of my information, products and services should always be based on your own diligence, and you agree that I am not responsible in any way for your success nor failure. I am merely the facilitator who transmits channeled energy to you. Everything here mentioned is “energetically speaking” and that is the sole basis of my work.

If you enjoyed this energy work, show your appreciation by clicking on the like button and by subscribing to this channel.

Thank You!
- Lany



detox reiki | distant healing | reiki healing | reiki treatment | reiki | healing energy | body cleansing | body clearing | #reikidetox
Рекомендации по теме

I really need this detox because I'm so sensitive to energies around me and most of them are toxic, negative and low vibes.


This works so good! I did my first two sessions a few days ago! When I tell you it started to flush my system immediately! I just kept going to use the bathroom repeatedly (urinating) so much! So this works immediately! Just be open and willing to receive the healing!!


I did about 8 sessions last night and 2 this afternoon. I just feel less stressed. And I have more faith. It's amazing. I wasnt sure if it would do anything. I cried during one of them.


Everyone here taking the time to cleanse your energy 🙏😊✨ Sending you healing vibes ❤️


I accept this reiki for full body cleansing and welcome positive energy


This is one of my favorites. It makes me feel like I just stepped out of the shower, but on the inside.💖💖💖


I am grateful for this healing reimi. Iam open to receiveand accept it. Wishing light and health to everyone who reads this. Namaste🙏🧿


I am fully open to this please cleanse my body and focus on the healing of my filtering organs and digestive system, thank you so much and namaste 🙏🏼


oh man, the second time I listen to this my hands start burning... woooowww. may life force be with you.


I gracefully and greatfully embrace this healing.. I am an epitome of health, wealth, beauty, good luck and Divine protection!


I am ready to receive the healing energy sent to me now to remove negativities around me & flush off all the toxins and allowing me to feel energetic strengthened blissfully blessed with perfect health & Harmony in my life. May you too be blessed with ❤💫 for instilling joy happiness & inner peace in many lives. 🙏👍


The energy is very smooth yet strongly absorb into myself. I have problem with digestion, withdrawal, and anxiety.. this reiki& Lourdes (restrelaxstion) are amazing. Before this, i didn't know anything about reiki, once i was interested, i got doubt bcz there wede many things made me felt doubt, whether i had to try or not, related to many article about my religion, but i convined myself that it was as same as when i was studying physic (about energy, vibration.etc... )...and i
didn't mean to compare this chanel to another, i just wanna share ny experiences .. and i think i didn't mean to chane my something (body, etc) which were given by God

I just try to do something better& stronger for my self improvement& i need to know more about healthy since i have bad daily habit& this works. i also love the reiki for muscular, skeletal, and nervous system, also rejuvination, energy, regeneration...the 1st i watched form u is reiki for skin, and i still use that untik now.. speechless! thank u.. they make me feel better day by day


I don't know how to thank you enough. I am so dependant on your videos, especially these days, and they work miraculously.


this one always works so well because it is physically obvious. Thank you very much again for your precious work.




I felt something the first minute I started listing to this my body got warm and it was like water flowing throughout me and my headache went away


Started the morning with this session, and I feel awesome.


I am 100% open to this 🙏 with how polluted our earth has become I feel it’s necessary to heal the energy of my body through meditation in addition to healthier eating, more exercise, adequate sleep, and replacing soda drinking with water drinking 🙏 Thank you times infinity ! Amen and Namaste 🙏


Felt elevated and happy and positive and saw my self inhaling large gasps of air and actually smiling. My arms and legs felt lighter as well. I don't know how all this is being achieved by an archived video in real time. I am immensely grateful to @Divine White Light for giving me this gift.


I didn't even realize that my ears were clogged but 3mins into this and i randomly swallowed and all of a sudden they just unclogged!! I can also feel it working on my nose! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 🙏💞🤗🤗🤗😍😍😍
