3 Circles whiteboard

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Hey guys, love your video. Could I have permission to use it for my church?


I don't mean to accuse, but there is some churchy theological-sounding language here that I don't think is actually correct. What does the Bible say? With respect to how to receive eternal life, my Bible says nothing about doing the work of turning from "our sin" and from "living life our own way" in order to receive it. Who of us has done that? Who of us doesn't "live our own way" at times? Why does God have to chastise his children if they never do so? It's a lot of *work* to stop that stuff. Same with "choose to follow and make him our boss" and "make him our Lord", whatever that means. Yes, to be a good *disciple* you have to do the work of taking up your cross daily, but my Bible never says any of that is what a sinner must do to receive eternal life. That is a heck of a lot of *work.* And my Bible tells me that eternal life is a "free gift" (Romans 5) by *grace, * not by or through or because of any *works* we do (Romans 11:5-6, Ephesians 2:8-9, Galatians 3, Romans 3, 4). *Christ took up HIS cross* to purchase that.
Your entire answer about what we must do was centred around us and our work and our own effort and our own supposed righteousness, something that will NOT save us. It was not on Christ and HIS righteousness for eternal life. The thing that the Bible DOES say you must do to be justified and made righteous to God for eternal life is what you *didn't* say. *Believe* on *Christ.* *Faith* fully in *HIM* for it. Christ who gave *his* life as a *sacrifice for sins, once for all, to purchase us* (Hebrews 9 and 10). Who rose again for our justification. *Not by us sacrificing our lives* or by justifying ourselves by *committing* to do effort and work in order to get that "free gift" of God's righteousness imputed to us. That's why it's called "grace". Even to the man that believes on Christ, but has *no works* as Romans 4:1-8 tells us.
