Who's The Strongest Alien Race (Kryptonians vs Saiyans vs Viltrumites)

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Who's The Strongest Alien Race (Kryptonians vs Saiyans vs Viltrumites)
Superman vs Goku vs Omni-Man
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Fun fact, all 3 qualifie for the endangered species list.😂


Before meeting Goku, Vegeta destroyed a planet on the way to earth just because he wanted to stretch his legs. I'm not saying viltrumites are less brutal... But that's some next level shit


One race has consistent powers and boundaries, the other two are the master races of "they can do whatever the f*** the writers want"


1-Kryptonians-Limitless Power
2-Saiyans-Limitless Potential
3-Viltrumites-Badass Mustaches

Edit: I feel like I have to address this…thank you for 11k Likes. But uhh let’s just go over feats for the strongest of the strongest from these races.

Superman-While angry, he flew through a moon
Flies from one end of the universe to the other in about 2 months
Absorbs enough energy to vaporize a galaxy
Can split the earth with a sneeze
Survived The Source Wall’s Explosion
Resists Reality Warping
Broke out of Stopped Time [Za Warudo]
Distorted Reality while fighting his Earth-2 Version
Resisted the pull of a Black Hole easily
Bench Presses 5.972 Sextillion Tons [The weight of Earth]
Resisted Existence Erasure [The Omega Beams]
Is stated the 4th Fastest Being in DC [He’s 3rd Because Reverse-Flash Stops time to move fast]
Broke the source wall which is outside the multiverse.
Beat Emperor Joker and his reality altering abilities
Stalemated and Defeated Darkseid on however many occasions.

Onto Saiyans…

Goku-(It’s not broly get off his dick)
Generating so much energy wih his punches that along with beerus’s punches they contributed to the near destruction of universe 7. His punches are so strong thst he has to constantly punch a certain way to minimise the destruction caused by them.

Moving faster than a being who can skip time.

shattering a dimension made by the time skipper.

Fighting and actually injuring the fusion of his alternative self and a immortal deity with his energy blast even though he was near exhaustion and could hardly stand before he did it.

Casually smashing through the hardest material in the dragon ball universe with regular punches.

Surviving a singularity containing the energy of the strongest warriors of universe 7. Not only did he survive it but he came out hundreds of times stronger.

whilst heavily injured and running on literal fumes he shook an infinite dimension just by waking up.

Beat the strongest saiyans of universe 6 at the same time while he hardly had enough energy to fight.

Beat a fusion of two saiyans whilst injured and exhausted.

After losing most of his energy fighting the fusion he was swallowed by a black hole in which he casually stood up inside of it and joked about how it was heavier than a gravity manipulating machine.He then destroyed the black hole and knocked off all three of its creators with one energy blast.

He created a galaxy just by powering up and then absorbed its energy.

He then proceeds to beat up the strongest mortal of universe 11 who is so strong that his own God can't even take him on.

Now for viltrumites.

Technically the strongest is Thragg so-

Thragg-Knocks away Space Racer

Breaks Oliver's arm in his grasp and punches him apart with one blow

Rips off Thaddeus' head at the start of their fight and crushes his skull

Overpowers Invincible and Omni-Man and one-shots Battle Beast away from the battle, considering him a nuissance

Overpowers Omni-Man and Invincible at the same time, ultimately running his arm through Omni-Man to nearly kill him, and stopping another Viltrumite mid-charge

Grabs Invincible by the throat and tosses him away.

Overpowers Dinosaurus, smashing him through a moon base and cracking open his jaws

Bursts into a moon base to crater Omni-Man into the ground, exchanging blows with him before pummeling him in their fight so bad Omni-Man's eye pops out

Disemboweled and bitten apart by Ragnars, yet immediately begins his duel with Battle Beast

Thragg punches Battle Beast a distance away and their battle shatters stone around them

Thragg hits Battle Beast through stone structures amidst their fight

Their fight continues for days

Ultimately Thragg wins the fight, wrapping Battle Beast's guts around his arm as he finally passes out himself

Their battle destroyed many cities

Overpowers Omni-Man and Invincible, his strikes breaking Omni-Man's bones and punching through him to tear Omni-Man nearly in half

Slams Oliver into a mountain, dragging him through the stone before overpowering him and punching straight through him before overpowering Invincible as well, smashing him into stone and ripping him in half laterally

Begins his battle with Invincible, saying it is only a challenge because he is savoring the fight

Continues fighting Invincible, throwing several of his own children at the hero so they explode apart against him
Their battle rages inside the Sun, burning them apart, but Invincible gains the upperhand after Robot encases him to protect him from the heat. Ultimately Invincible wins, leaving Thragg's corpse to disintegrate in the Sun.

You can really see how fucked the viltrumites are and thus should basically just be called Saiyans V Kryptonians.


Imagining creating a hybrid that can keep the best aspects of each race:
1- can absorb energy from the sun
2- Get Stronger each time they almost die
3- easily live for thousands of years and can heal from any injuries that don't instantly kill them


Biggest advantage of the viltrumites is that they’re quick to end the fight and show no mercy.


Goku is like Allen in invincible.
They just keep comin back stronger from the last beating they got


Kryptonians > Saiyans > Viltrumites


the viltrumites got the lowest peak with the highest base. Kryptonians that lived in their own planet used to have human levels of strength and are extremely weak to kriptonite, and sayans usually have planet busting powers as soon as they can transform into Great Apes but without ki training they won't get far and can't leave their planeti without a space ship


“Weakest of the saiyans” and the focus on Nappa had me dead lmao


Superman in front of a blue Sun is on another level


Kryptonians have infinite strength vs sayains with infinite potential, both are outrageous but no way to bridge the gap to beat Superman without kryptonite which Goku would never use


Comparisons aside, I love that Viltrumites are just Kryptonians with Saiyan elements. It's cool to see the trio of badass space warriors hit the mainstream.


BROLY!! "My power is rising...it's overflowing!"


Imagine a three way hybrid of sayins, kryptonians and Viltramites


Imagine being superman and getting summoned to the TOP. "Oh, no yellow sun..."


Benefit of the Saiyans is, they can transform and surpass their limits after a near death battle aka Zenkai boost plus they can pick up different techniques quite easily

Woah, Thank you for the Likes you Dende


Vultrimites is literally a lesser Kryptonian version but with Saiyan's conquering mindset. They have no mercy but straight doing mission of conquest.


I believe it’s the saiyans as they have limitless potential, are more savage (debatable) and they actually destroy planets if they can’t be sold


As much of a DB fan as I am. Kriptonians are OP. Super man literally survived multiple reality erasure, beat reality bending gods, broke through multiple reality with shear strength, is literally immortal and made a literal new universe because he out lived the heat death of the universe.
