Faculty Research Seminar Series - The Protogospel of James a New Reading

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The CRS Faculty Seminar Series is an informal, internal presentation series that works as a forum for CRS faculty and junior members to present their current or recent research to the Religious Studies community at CEU.

Gyorgy Gereby is a Historian of Philosophy, Associate professor at the Central European University in Vienna and a Titulary professor at ELTE, Budapest.

The Protogospel presents a counter-narrative to gnosticizing tendencies of Early Christianity and juxtaposes an alternative account to the then-current Jewish anti-Christian polemic and the ridicule of the Hellenists (Celsus). In order to reconstruct the intellectual and theological context of the Protogospel in the period, Gereby called attention to the then-current intellectual concerns (like the role of the Jews, the problems of the female, childbirth, the nature of the Nativity, and their implications). In these complex debates, the language of philosophical symbolism played an important role hence he suggests a method of deciphering the hidden references characteristic of the second-third century intellectual context.

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