Retelling the story of humans and nature | Damon Gameau | TEDxSydney

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Thank you Damon for this moving gift to humanity.This is the most uplifting storytelling of reality on our fragile planet. Humans are not seperate but part of nature. Let's act accordingly and tell the story that maters most.


Amazing performance and inspiring talk. Thanks for articulating this message so clearly and poetically. Let's get back to a state of reverence for Nature. 🙏


Thank you Damon - this is what so many of us are working towards and you talked so beautifully and eloquently. I'm sharing this everywhere I can and will keep making art, working and acting everyday to build this new narrative for my children and all the other generations of future humans. I will keep finding joy in the flowers, insects, birds and all other creatures who walk alongside me - this awe and wonder drives my hope and energy.


This is an amazing talk - I’m currently in Peru and learning about (and bringing to life) my sustainability knowledge and the Peruvian’s respect for the land - I’m going to share you talk far and wise thanks so much 🙏


This is one of the most wonderful stories I've heard.


Well said. Thank you. I agree with you. I am 70 years of age, born in Ireland I cling on to Celtic times.


Mind blown ! You have articulated in the simplest and most eloquent of words the most profoundly complex tale of our time in a way that has the power to dissolve every single barrier that paralyses humanity's 8 billion-being mass from the collective transformation we need to protect this miraculous planet. I challenge you to share your extraordinary creation across the word, translated into 1 thousand languages. Imagine !


Damon such a beautiful story to hope for, I know we can do this.


Very moving - and true story, thank you Damon, for your passion and willingness to change the story, which will be as easy as changing the course of a river with our bare hands. I have no doubt we can do it.


My eyes welled up right along with yours as your story turned to the future. Thank you for this Talk and for your magnificent, powerfully-delivered story; you told it so, so well. Let's hope enough people will hear it, enough to have this story stop being a story and become the new reality.


I love the way you described this Damon. It's easier to digest as a "story" and makes it personable to hear Nature as an entity😍


The best story of all Damon! I'm (already) in...

Thank you! Such a truth. It made me cry..


This was amazing!!! Thank you, Damon. I wanna be a part of this new-old story, I will write it along with you and many others. ✊💚


Thank you, Damon - well said,
very powerful and inspiring 🙏🏻


Your delivery was spot on, well done mate. It's always powerful when so much passion drives your very being.


Alla vi som har lyssnat på Damon Gameau har en skyldighet att sprida denna viktiga video, innerligt tack till dig Damon Gameau


So powerful! I'm not crying, you're crying! ;(


Thank you, Damon, to speak up so clearly 🥰🙏Thanks for guiding me with your email to this soul talk🦋it helps me to get on my feet again and continue to co-create our fundamentally new story together with the earth, nature, animals...everything that already was alive before us...remembering... reconnecting..honoring life itself🙌🙋‍♀️Joy


"We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost's familiar poem, they are not equally fair. The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road — the one less traveled by — offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of the earth."  ~ Rachel Carson

"Courage is the measure of our heartfelt participation with life, with another, with a community, a work; a future. To be courageous is not necessarily to go anywhere or do anything except to make conscious those things we already feel deeply and then to live through the unending vulnerabilities of those consequences."  ~ David Whyte

"The artist’s task is to save the soul of mankind; and anything less is a dithering while Rome burns. Because of the
artists, who are self-selected, for being able to journey into the Other, if the artists cannot find the way, then the way cannot be found."  ~ Terrence McKenna

"Whatever lessens suffering in yourself and others, that is right. Whatever increases suffering, that is wrong. The answer is within you. When you are free of pride and prejudice, when you are calm and attentive, a light will shine within you. Through meditation and through being mindful you will find your own knowledge of rightness. You will be your own light."  ~ Satish Kumar

"Psychotherapist Miriam Greenspan uses the term intervulnerability to describe the need for this mutually held space. When asked about this idea in an interview, she replied, When I say we are “intervulnerable, ” I mean we suffer together, whether consciously or unconsciously. Albert Einstein called the idea of a separate self an “optical delusion of consciousness.” Martin Luther King Jr. said that we are all connected in an “inescapable web of mutuality.” There’s no way out, though we try to escape by armoring ourselves against pain and in the process diminishing our lives and our consciousness. But in our intervulnerability is our salvation, because awareness of the mutuality of suffering impels us to search for ways to heal the whole, rather than encase ourselves in a bubble of denial and impossible individualism. At this point in history, it seems that we will either destroy ourselves or find a way to build a sustainable life together."  ~ Francis Weller 

"Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change."  ~ Brené Brown

"It’s 3:23 in the morning and I’m awake because my great great grandchildren won’t let me sleep. My great great grandchildren ask me in dreams: What did you do while the planet was plundered?; What did you do when the earth was unraveling?"  ~ Drew Dellinger

"Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure."  ~ Paulo Coelho

"It is, what I cherish most about life, that chariots me away from my troubles, & chariots me back to face them."  ~ Paul Jung
