Author Platform Basics (& What Social Media Platforms to Use)

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Author platform basics! What are they? Do you need one? What social media is a MUST DO vs. a maybe? In this video I'll tell you what you need, when you should do it, and my thoughts on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Snapchat and YouTube!

This overview will help authors thinking about how to market themselves and their books by giving you a place to start. While my channel is geared towards traditional publication and especially YA, this video offers pretty universal tips about social media platforms for authors and author websites.

There is A LOT MORE to author marketing and book marketing of course! I'll be uploading a series of videos this month on the topic, and many more in the future (my day job is marketing!).






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I would love to see an update on this video. Things change so quickly.


Spotify is also a great indirect one. I love some of the author playlists for their books.


Thanks Alexa. It was nice to have the definition of author platform clearly established and a thorough breakdown of the general content, atmosphere and community of each social media. I'm sending this (along with the rest of your marketing playlist) to our writers as an educational resource.


You think you’re old because you were among the first when Facebook came out? Lol I was one of the first on MYSPACE! 😂😂😂


I am super glad i found this channel just now. I find your content super approachable, and useful since my own writer platform is not so grand so.... Canister me subscribed!


So meta! I like it!

Could you go a little more into what you mean by "hard sell" platform? You mentioned that Instagram is NOT a hard sell platform. Besides twitter, do you see any other platform being a "hard sell"? Is this just because people are more receptive to overt marketing via 140 characters?

As for reddit - how do you personally use it to build your platform, or is it more simply engaging with other writers?

You say this is a video covering the basics, but you really covered it! This felt very comprehensive, thank you!


I can't thank you enough for these helpful, detailed, candid videos. No disrespect to most other AuthorTubers, most of them are good in different ways. But in terms of marketing advice, you're one of the most helpful so far.


Love your content, but wish to disagree on one tiny point. The social media you select SHOULD be based on your "ideal reader" profile. I write historical romance for mature women (40+), college-educated, with sophisticated taste in fashion, decor, and other entertainment. Many of my readers have never heard of TicToc and don't use Twitter or Instagram. Over 75% of them are on Facebook and an eve=n larger majority are on Pinterest. So, duh, Facebook is NOT 'obsolete' for MY readers! In fact, it is the fastest way to build engagement and drive traffic to my site. I'm in the process of creating a Pinterest board with photos of all the locations that inspired the book together with quotes, costume notes, etc. The message is: go where your readers go! If you are a YA author trying to engage your readers, TicToc, IG, and Twitter may work better than the stodgier "obsolete' platforms that work for me.


Thank you for being real with the viewers. I am an upcoming author and I am trying to get things going between the 9-5 job... Very informal!


I'm alot older than you.I like your info. I do not write ya but I do write children's book.however I have found for information listening to younger people had answered most of the questions I have. It has been hard finding anyone my age on YouTube.


I'm okay with Instagram and YouTube, but Twitter scares the crap out of me. I'd just really rather not.

Also Tumblr is possibly the single most confusing thing in the world and I don't get how it works.

And I'm not that old, I'm 21.


I love this, I've been meaning to research this more recently! I'm planning on making separate platforms from my personal ones and I'm not really sure how to draw in my demographic for my novel. Even though my novel is in the draft phase, should I talk about the book? Or just the fact that I'm an aspiring writer as a whole and just hope for the best?


I've tried three times using Twitter. After a week I just forget that it exists, because I find it... redundant in a way. I kind of understand what keeps people using it. But as someone who keeps their opinions to themselves (and it's a cultural thing too), the way things change in the hectic Twitter just makes me shrug and continue my life after uninstalling it. (Yet again.)

Also, same thoughts about Snapchat. I just feel too old for it. I kind of feel that way about Twitter and Pinterest too.


Great video! Very informative. Love it!


You're wonderful at this, thank you!


I love Pinterest for the creative process, but for the platform my favorite is youtube.


Love your vids. Great personality and important topics.


Thank-you so much for this information Alexa. I trust your views on this sort of thing, you really sound as you know the heartbeat of the online line writers world and publishing industry. I took notes on this video and I'm definitely going to for your author's website one too. It's been a goal for me to set-up a writers (hopefully to full on author status) website this year.

Hayley ^_^


Facebook is like my worst nightmare, I don't even want it for personal use lol! But I do have an instagram, twitter, a blog, Pinterest (love the eye candy lol) and youtube channel (which I just started after seeing several authortube people!). I hope those will be good starting points for now. You're video was very insightful and helpful, Alexa! Thanks for sharing :)


I've noticed with twitter it's just authors supporting other authors and rarely readers.
