So What Was the Galaxy Like When the Republic Lost All Control? - Sith History #13

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If you were to take a shot every time we said the Senate was paralyzed or ineffective, this video alone would probably kill you

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🎬Video Credits:
Narrators - Cam
Editor - Giorgi
Writers - Sean



0:00 Intro
0:56 Ruin of the Jedi
3:35 The Black Knights and Mizra
7:10 The Republic Burns
11:07 The Dark Age
13:23 Outro
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This era of Star Wars was like the Sengoku era of Japan, or the Crusades. Just non stop wars and killing because of one Sith's ambitions.


Ahh yes, Darth Rivan. Surprised he didn't have an apprentice named Darth Milak...


Oh yes! The Senate Drinking Game: where you take a shot every time they screw up

Also Darth Rivan wasn't killed by his apprentice. It was the other way around. Rivan ended up using an artifact iin battle that not only drained him of his powers but also sent him to the future, specifically during one of the battles on Ruusan. Because he was powerless he was killed easily by a passing warrior


Love the New Sith Wars. Reminds me of the Knights during the Dark Age in real life.


I wish Legends had explored the New Sith Wars more outside of source books. The two main things that covered it were the Knight Errant series/novel and the Bane era (Trilogy and the Jedi vs Sith comic). Both of which take place at the very end of the 1000 year period. 2 of the most interesting ideas we could've gotten (in my opinion) was the fall of Phannius, and the Technobeast part of the New Sith Wars (potentially based around the Technobeast Jedi because that just sounds awesome).


The Sith have always been there own worst enemies, especially due to the selfishness endemic to adherents of their dark side ideology, and this just proves that point.


I think it more with how the Sith used the dark side as organization like the Nightsisters didn't really have organization. One thought that has been in my thoughts recently is what if the Sith were organized like the Hutt. Since they had a similar of almost destroying themselves in civil war until they reorganized themselves. Having sith clans that competed with each other but had a council over them that soul job to keep it form getting self destructive and coordinating against there enemies.


You're doing an awesome job with this series. Honour to you, Geetsly's Team, for your efforts and contributions to Star Wars fans everywhere.
May the Force be with you.


Darth Bane really just not trusting the people after him to not screw things up but they still somehow screw things up.


In the Grim Darkness of a Galaxy far, far away there is only war, the New Sith wage endless war against the Rotting Republic and the Besieged Jedi in countless battlefields led by countless Sith Cults who bring new horrors that haunt the minds of people for years to come, and now the Republic is a shadow of itself and many Jedi have become Lords of entire worlds and armies that stand against a new Brotherhood led by one of their former best Jedi Masters, and many whisper that this one thousand years of war will bring about the end of the Republic and the Jedi, but only the Force can know the end result of the New Sith War.


And yet the Republic had stood for 25, 000 years and remained standing this long.


As long as there is Jedi, there will always be Sith.


These times remind me a little bit of the Dark Ages that arose after the Roman Empire fell.


Darth Bane’s adoption of the Rule of Two was not the product of necessity or wisdom. Rather, it was the product of his own fear and lack of leadership ability. The problem with the New Sith is that they weren’t truly Sith. They had no connection to the ancient Sith people or the culture those people had developed to hold a Dark Side society together. The real Sith had traditions and values which allowed them to create a civilization which endured for thousands of years, and even survived an attempt at genocide by the Republic. The Rakatans also build a Dark Side empire which lasted thousands of years, so you can’t blame the failures of the New Sith on the Dark Side itself.

The New Sith were really just an order of Dark Jedi, and as such lacked the traditions which would have stabilized them. They fell into constant bickering because their nature was defined by their defiance of the orthodoxies of the Jedi, rather than a shared culture and value system. They were a fractious ideological movement founded by a solipsist and driven by rampaging egos. If anything, it’s amazing they lasted as long as they did.

Bane was a product of that twisted lineage and simply justified his solipsism with a clear spiritual fallacy; that the Dark Side needed to be concentrated in a single master. This was obviously false given the history of the galaxy, with powerful Dark Side movements consisting of many practitioners being well documented. Instead just sought to remove his competition via trickery, which is proof he didn’t believe he could win a straight up competition. The Rule of Two is an admission of weakness, not a well thought out position.


The galaxy was in pure harmony when the Senate retained absolute control.


Republic: no one can conquer us

Sith: and I took that personally


Funny how Darth ego has blue skin of the pzntorans in some fanarts despite being umbaran


I still preferred the Sith Empire founded by Darth Vitiate but reformed by Darth Marr and Darth Acina over the Rule of Two anytime. After all, it became more Empire than Sith and the idea of the Republic ruling the galaxy alone without sharing anyone the territory is a bad idea because the galaxy is too big to be governed by one polity.


So... will #14 be the final one? Will it go over the brotherhood of darkness & the rule of 2 era?


The New Sith Wars was a really interesting era. I don't want Disney to flesh it out. Just give me more High Republic with tiny references that canonize events in the New Sith Wars. Leave that good stuff alone in Legends.
