Get on the Waitlist NOW!!! - Hyundai Ioniq 5

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Hyundai's Ioniq 5 has been on everyone's radar, and there's a big reason for it. It's because it's WICKED! It ticks pretty much off all the boxes for a fantastic daily driver at a price that you could consider it as an alternative to the Tesla Model Y.

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0:00 - This car looks WICKED!
0:20 - Exterior impressions
1:34 - Liftgate and trunk impressions
3:00 - Rear seat impressions
3:25 - Front seat impressions
4:06 - Which trim we got and what are the differences
4:43 - Center console impressions
5:10 - Infotainment and climate control impressions
7:44 - Sponsor - Grammarly!
8:26 - Driving impressions
14:18 - Speaker impressions
14:48 - Charging info
15:32 - Pricing
16:20 - Final thoughts
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This is the ShortCircuit car video that has me convinced you’re doing it right. Alex, your coverage is like a breath of fresh air. I really appreciate your dedication to showing hvac and media controls. Love Andy’s perspectives too, really good back and forth you had there. I was super impressed with how you’ve described, demonstrated, and explained the suspension issue…well done. Finally, I think what made this video click for me was how well you contrasted it with the ev6 and model y. You’re starting to have this library of car experiences you can point people to as they consider their options. Love this concept, love your execution, please keep this up!


I REALLY appreciated Andy's interjections. It's always good to get multiple perspectives on vehicles (hence why i'm watching this after seeing Doug Demuro's coverage) because everyone drives differently and has different preferences


I love seeing Alex with these EVs. All the other reviewers just gas the cars up and he goes through little details and says it how it is I feel like. I love the team Linus has built.


I love the way you do car reviews. The focus on the interior and UX in a dedicated section, the practical considerations, the driving experience review... Also not reviewing the highest end model is a great move


15:04 Hey, that's my video. Neat! Great review guys, I agree with most of your points here. It's not perfect, but it is a fantastic car. Get on that waitlist now!


Andy and Alex make a great team, with each having very valid arguments. I'm impressed that a "tech channel" does better car reviews than a lot of so-called "mainstream" auto reviews


For what it's worth, the EV6 has a way to set the passenger knob to permanently be volume. It also let's you set whether it defaults to climate or media. Those two things made the infotainment far less annoying to me.


I love that you guys kept in the angry driver at 13:47 - 13:57. Classic.


I loved the little 'nice' the editor put in, as Alex was accelerating the Ioniq5 in sports mode at 11:17


As a BC IONIQ 5 owner, I've been waiting for this for a while! I think you guys did great job covering the car, only thing I noted that you sort-of got wrong is that you can reorganize the apps on the screen, so the ones you use most can be moved closer to the steering column. Otherwise, everything else was pretty spot on. Absolutely do not regret getting this thing, feeling pretty satisfied with that pre-order I placed back in July. Especially the way gas prices have gone!


Oh, Hyundai definitely has their interior plastics figured out! I have a 2016 Tucson, and it's freaking sweet! It feels way more luxurious than my other friend's cars, even in the same price range or slightly higher. Everything is so well placed too, and the buttons and dials feel great! It has also held up perfectly in the 6 years I've had it, and the design did too. Love it!

Sad to see that they went the touch route on this one, the climate control dials and buttons on the Tucson are G R E A T. I'll never stop mentioning it lol. They clearly they know how to do UX right, so... Ugh

The steering is the same thing on the Tucson though. It feels very light and at the same time weirdly heavy, after long trips my arms are tired! I've noticed that I'm not the only one, as when my mum drove on a trip I've seen her occasionally take her arm off the steering wheel and shake it lol. Oh well


The more of these that come out, the more I want you to do a roundup review, where you get them all and shoot a longer video on it . . . maybe on LTT? The ultimate LTT EV showdown where you test 'em, drive 'em back to back and then share your thoughts.

I mean, I know that'd be REALLY hard given today's "it's hard to find a car" problems (having bought one in January, I can empathize), but maybe that's an idea for the future?

PS: I still hate the climate controls in that car . . . everything else about it looks pretty sweet--except maybe the suspension. :-)


We need separate lmg car reviewing channel for Alex.


ive driven probably like, 10 of these IONIQs at my work, and god i love them
Beautiful cars, elegant interior, just an overall futuristic vibe to them that you dont see often. it also feels almost luxurious.

Very glad ive had the chance to drive these and the Mach Es.


I sat in one at the Pittsburgh international auto show, it was really nice except for the price. I don't have charging capabilities at my apartment complex, or I'd be interested. I think I'm going to get the GR Corolla.


Love seeing all these electric car reviews! Still would love to see one on the Volkswagen ID 4 and the BUZZ when it releases later!


Charging infrastructure is the biggest problem IMO. Superchargers are everywhere, they are always working, and the majority of new ones are 250kW (and truly give 250kW) - rarely do I see a stall out of order.


Just a slight addendum about the non-Tesla high-kilowatt level 3 charger availability situation: it might currently suck in BC, but at least in the eastern US, it's apparently fairly decent and continuing to improve. Robert Dunn and Alec Watson (of YT channels Aging Wheels and Technology Connections, respectively) literally just did a collab within the past couple of weeks to drive a 1200-mile road trip from Alec's home base in the Chicagoland area to somewhere in Florida in Alec's new Ioniq 5, using Electrify America's network:

TL;DR: depending where you are in North America and where you need to go, it is indeed possible to not have (many) issues finding non-Tesla high-kilowatt level 3 charging stations.


I own a limited ioniq 5. It's so great. Aside from Alex's imperfections, it's a perfect vehicle.


That "nice" under the speedo when Alex floored it past 69 was hilarious 🤣
