Major Takeaway: Tech Talent Crunch

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The world is accelerating at a pace that has never been seen before. For businesses to keep up, there is a need to drive change, expand into new frontiers, and successfully transition into the digital economy. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) need a pool of skilled talent to develop and execute innovative strategies to reach new heights.

The shortage of local talents is the most pressing issue impeding the growth of Southeast Asian start-up companies. Firms face a severe tech talent crunch and have complained that they have been unable to embrace the digital push and adopt new technologies.

Technological advancements may have opened up many opportunities for business transformation, but without the right people, SMEs will not be able to successfully leverage technology to maximize gains.

Many thanks to AmCham Singapore for allowing us to record & post this event video.

What were a few of the Major Takeaways from the event?

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