Remove Half Nodes | Problem of the Day | GeeksForGeeks
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You are given a binary tree and you need to remove all the half nodes (which have only one child). Return the root node of the modified tree after removing all the half-nodes.
Note: The output will be judged by the inorder traversal of the resultant tree, inside the driver code.
Input: tree = 5
/ \
7 8
Output: 2 5 8
Explanation: In the above tree, the node 7 has only single chile. After removing the node the tree becomes 2-5-8. Hence, the answer is 2 5 8 & it is in inorder traversal.
Input: tree = 2
/ \
7 5
Output: 7 2 5
Explanation: Here there are no nodes which has only one child. So the tree remains same.
Expected Time Complexity: O(n)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(height of the binary tree)
Table of Contents
0:00 Problem Statement
0:41 Solution
7:22 Pseudo Code
10:08 Code - Python
10:59 Code - C++
Note: The output will be judged by the inorder traversal of the resultant tree, inside the driver code.
Input: tree = 5
/ \
7 8
Output: 2 5 8
Explanation: In the above tree, the node 7 has only single chile. After removing the node the tree becomes 2-5-8. Hence, the answer is 2 5 8 & it is in inorder traversal.
Input: tree = 2
/ \
7 5
Output: 7 2 5
Explanation: Here there are no nodes which has only one child. So the tree remains same.
Expected Time Complexity: O(n)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(height of the binary tree)
Table of Contents
0:00 Problem Statement
0:41 Solution
7:22 Pseudo Code
10:08 Code - Python
10:59 Code - C++
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