New Moon in Leo August 4th 2024

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Pam talks about the first half of August and the New Moon in Leo on the 4th.
Director Benedikt Just invites you to a special screening of The Heart Revolution.
This beautiful documentary reveals the astonishing purpose of our hearts, from before the first heartbeat to beyond the last, now backed by revolutionary scientific findings. Anita Moorjani and Dr. McCraty from HeartMath are some of the featured experts.
You can watch it here:
Let's ignite the Age of Enheartenment.
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The edible garden has been started, cash is used daily, left my horrid job nearly 2 years ago to focus on growing our own business. Fresh air, nature, sunshine is so important.


Everyone is so kind in these comments. You're all so beautiful! 🤍


A deep bow to you Pam. You are such a servant of humanity. Your unflagging encouragement and guidance is a balm to all of our souls.

Give our love to Bracha . We hope that she is doing well. Her presence is missed.


You have so much integrity. Thanks for keeping us all grounded. Grateful for your amazing generous spirit in all that you share. May it all come back to you ten fold!


I was 'volunteered ' by a friend who runs a spiritual group to do a talk of basically, my story, manifesting & shifting timelines'. Public speaking is not my thing - usually. I described my life as 55 years white water rafting, living in victimhood, fear & lack, compared to the last 5 years of floating serenely on a calm still lake. I told of how I have thought, spoke, journalled the life I wanted. I believed, trusted that it would happen/be created at the right time - and it was all created. The 20+ people were in awe, 3 even in tears, saying they could see & feel my energy radiating out to them. The feedback was amazing, they were telling me how they felt inspired to do/make changes to create their own shifts. ❤


Thanks Pam, I kept this to watch on the day of the new moon and you were correct with things kicking off though not necessarily in the States. But I'm inspired by the communities coming together to clean up and standing against those that would have us live by hate. I'm holding on to love for all people and placing my faith in the next generation of compassionate children. 😊


Thank you so much Pam! You are doing wonders for your community and I feel so blessed and honored being part of it! Not enough words to express my gratitude 🥰. Love, Nancy from Belgium


My soul tribe! I love this! Set your intentions. A blank canvas, truth, love, humanity, kindness, equality, freedom, brotherhood, sisterhood, community, collaboration, peace, ☮️ creativity, integrity, our thoughts and feelings of today are creating our tomorrows, courage, wisdom! What a beautiful concept. Connecting at the heart!


I found you and your work just in time. I’m a highly sensitive person and July has felt completely overwhelming and reality has had me questioning my sanity - things were feeling darker than ever. Over the last week I’ve watched all of your videos from the past couple of months, and they have given me so much hope. I’m working very hard now to shed my rage and anger, and live as completely as I can in my heart space.
I am grateful for you, your work, and the love you share with us all 🙏 💗


The great guru Paramahansa Yogananda from India who established his Self~Realization Fellowship often liked to say:” Reform yourself, and you reform thousands.” Your sincere advice here Pam mirrors this truth that our love and spiritual seeking can and does change our reality. Thank you so very much for your gracious and gentle reminders that this is our current work to do.


Dear Pam, what a gift you are to humanity!!! Thank you. I love you, I honour you, I bless you. Hugs to ALL from a Canadian expat living in Israel🩵🌟🩵


God Bless You, Pam! You are a magnificent Light & Wayshower! I am so grateful for all you do to raise the vibration of humanity. ✨🙏✨💖✨


Pam is one of the most brilliant beautiful and loving wayshowers for me, very dear to my heart, always uplifting and inspiring to watch! Much love 🩷


Thank you Pam. It is so important at the moment to hold onto the light and a higher vibration, that we may stay calm throughout this coming storm. The world is changing to a kinder way of being and all of us should be inspired by this change. 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Somehow, Pam, you managed to give us lots of (active!) astrology AND so many personal & collective pointers to increase our Light, our Heartedness, our Sovereignty, and Creativity! Indeed, an amazing feat! And, many thanks for getting all of us that link to the Heart movie - we can't learn too much about how our bodies really function and our innate Power. Whew! I again thank you deeply for this and all you manage to do to keep all of us Light and Hearted. I send you much Love, Appreciation and Peace. Namaste


SO generous of the filmmaker to share this film...screening it this evening. You are an incredible change maker Pam - you change all of us for the better future,


Dear Pam, you do wonders for me. I appreciate you so. Thank you for your brilliant mind and caring heart!


Thanks again Pam. It's hard to keep track of the astrology, but I'm just expecting things to change rapidly and for our highest good. I live in the US so we are undergoing quite a lot of uncertainty now and I'm able to distance myself pretty well. My mantra is "all things turning toward the light". No matter how bad it may look, all of it is in the process of turning toward the Light. Slowly perhaps, but turning. Thank you again. Love to you and to all that are here.


Pam, you are my go-to person to see the world through higher frequencies. Thank you for sharing your wisdom


Thank you Pam Gregory. You are such a loving blessing. 🌸
