Billy Graham- Satan's Best Pastor for One World Religion | Dr. Gene Kim

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RESOURCES: Hi, I'm Dr Gene Kim (UC Berkeley & PBI) and I pastor a church at San Jose Bible Baptist Church. My channel publishes videos that focus on wrong doctrines, dispensationalism, end times and KJV as the only word of God. If that sounds like it could be helpful for you, please subscribe!

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Pastor Gene Kim
San Jose Bible Baptist Church, CA
#BaptistChurch #Dispensationalism #KJVOnly #Endtimes #Christianity #BibleStudy
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For once...a Pastor after my own heart...I applaud you Pastor Kim...for speaking truth...No sugar coating anything....Your zeal is so evident...I like that...I know exactly what you stand for....and


I was blown away when I looked up his history, , , sad, , , , lots of things woke me up as I started searching truth and quit the church with walls, !,


You are very blessed I’m glad you stand strong to show the truth upon this wicked world!! Amen! See you in heaven brother


I see where Billy Graham was teaching a false gospel, but I’m more comfortable leaving the judgment of his soul to Jesus .
If we can’t lose our salvation, and he started out solid, then I would imagine he was saved even though he might not have much reward .


Eh I don't follow Billy Graham closely but Dr. Kim I feel like you're treading on thin ice when you make statements about who will be in Heaven. There is no way you can know that until you get there yourself. You are contradicting yourself from other videos on grace and salvation. Billy Graham could absolutely be saved. Lots of people are saved but still err in doctrine and sin, including pastors, including you. Other than that, I hear what you're saying and I do believe you are correct in identifying the error of ecumenicalism.


If you're a TBN preacher, you're ecumenical.


Be a peculiar people for or Lord Jesus Christ, Alway strive to live holy because God is holy and my friends Jesus is are only hope.


You speak the truth no matter how hard and bitter the pill is.


This is so true billy graham was a lucerferian
Freemason 33 rd degree


Doesn't the Bible say, whoa when all men speak well of you.. for so they did with the false prophits.


I was looking for a way to understand the bible. Your videos continue to guide me in the right direction I need. You have answered questions for me in the most respectful way I have ever heard. I thank Jesus for guiding me to your videos. Thank you for all you do.


Put witchcraft in that list because the Congress has had witches give the opening prayers.


"Hogwash" my grandmother use to say that word alot .I miss her sayings .


I can't defend the man's words..I'm confused by your comment that "a *saved Christian* can be capable of doing worse things..." I only recently was taught (after discovering a Bible believing church) that once you accepted what Jesus Christ did on the cross for you and you accepted Him as your Savior that you were saved and sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption (see Ephesians 4:30) and that you cannot undo your salvation- bc that salvation is of God and He keeps his promises. We can't save ourselves. Not saying we should go on sinning, but there's no way I can just be perfect...still a sinner even after being saved. So, are you saying a person can be saved then not saved? I was feeling secure about salvation, hanging tight to this passage Eph 4:30, as what I was taught growing up..I always felt like I could be saved one day and not in the next minute, always having to worry about it.


I have believed this since my early teens. You're the second other than my Pastor that has brought up this truth in all my years as a fellow believer.


Well, I grew up in USA and remember watching with my parents BG's preaching, we used to love them and we truly admired him and how many people received Jesus. But going through internet studying Bible prophecies, illuminati, the Vatican maybe four years ago wowwww I came across how the Jesuits involved BG with Catholicism, freemasonry and saw him dressed like a catholic some kind of priest next to pope John Paul II. Couldn't believe it! I do hope so he really makes it to heaven. Blessings from Guatemala.. Thank you so much for your teachings, they're really a blessing and great knowledge for whom want to learn and not be deceived!


Weak up people . Don't be blind folded. Plea the blood of Jesus over on your family. Don't go with the world. You would lose... thank you for the teaching I agree


Very true about the crusades. Over 20 yrs ago when i was catholic he came to Canada. and i was referred to my surprise to a catholic counselllor.


When I prayed for clarity I found you or did God bring it to my eyes ? Blessings


I learn so much from this pastor Dr Kim and I really thank the Lord for this channel. God bless you pastor abundantly.
