Cum sa ti speli chilotii menstruali? | Libréa

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Tu știi cum trebuie să îți speli chiloții menstruali?

Acum e rândul tău!
Spală-i, Usucă-i, Refolosește-i!🔁

#chilotimenstruali #menstrualpanties #librea #spalare #ghid #ecofriendly #reutilizabil #happy #instagood #trending #new #revolutionary #clothpads #reusable #zerowaste
#plasticfree #ecofeminism

et en roumain
Voici quelques hashtags populaires en roumain sur les thèmes de l'hygiène féminine, des startups, de l'écologie et des culottes menstruelles :

#igiena feminină

Ready to experience the freedom of eco-friendly menstrual products?
Don't miss out on a healthier, more comfortable, and sustainable period experience! 💚
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