My Best Photos From the Last 10 Years

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In this video Patrick Hall of Fstoppers gives some of his best tips on how to make a photography portfolio album. Using images taken for some of his favorite Fstoppers Videos, Patrick discusses different album outlines, how to cull your work, creating a theme, tips on retouching and model casting, how many images to use per page, building an emotional experience, and many other practical tips for making an impactful photography book. The book was created by Saal-Digital and is their Professional XT album with an acrylic album cover.
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Get your own Saal-Digital Show album 📚 here:

🔥 🎓 15% off our Professional Photography Tutorials: Use Code YOUTUBE

🦸‍♂15% off our photo course The Well-Rounded Photographer featuring 8 different professional photographers: Use Code YOUTUBE

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🎸Music in our videos🎶

Epidemic Sound

Adobe Creative Cloud

Boris FX Optics:

Luminar Neo

Capture One

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damn it !! 21:38 i was running to left side of the screen to click analyze when i saw the blue line on the screen ....


In terms of feedback, and only providing it because you've asked the question - I think this could benefit from some more negative space around some of the images.

You can then experiment with size of the images and a few layout options to create a tempo to your book. It also means that any time you go full page to the edge it creates even more impact. I tend to think about book layout a little like music. There is flow, there are moments where you go loud, there are moments where you might be a little more subtle. It allows you an extra level of communication with your viewer.

The spread you have with 4 headshots may benefit from having space around each which says to the viewer that each of the images is important.

Would be happy to have a go at it sometime if you think that would be fun and educational. (Designer turned photographer here). Have a good one!


interesting one! Id love to see the process, lighting... for the Matchless amps guys shoot!


I presume you got the book as a gift from Saal and wanted to fill it out as much as possible (max out the pages), and in that case this feedback is not directed strictly to you.

This book would definitely benefit from another round of culling. There are some excellent professional images in there, but also shots that stand out as remnants of a bygone era. Why specifically did you include your old shots that you "reimagined" with new editing? They look old fashioned in terms of e.g. shooting location, wardrobe and lighting style so no amount of editing will really change that, especially when paired next to your newer work.

The layout could also use some work. You said yourself that you're not much of a graphic designer + you gave advice that anyone who is not confident in editing their photos should send them to a professional retoucher. Thus following your own advice, you should've sent the photos to a layout professional to really bring them out in the best way. As it currently stands, there are spreads in the book ranging from awesome to rather uninspiring.

And this is nitpicky already, but the last pages with landscapes and helicopter shots of NY stand out as random noise after all the portraiture you've done. They're great photos, don't get me wrong, but also out of scope of your portfolio. Maybe just leave the tree or mountain image as a standalone closer of the book, spread across the entire two pages?

Thank you for showing us your work! It can be scary, especially opening it up to criticism. This was very entertaining and a good lesson for anyone considering honing their portfolio / building a similar presentation.


What size is this book? Looks bigger than the 12x16.


21:30 Frame not analyzed for stabilization


that tree and those helicopter shots were incredible man, amazing way to end the book


I love your vibe. I feel like you could be in movies.


Just a few minutes into the video and I’m sure I’ll love it already. Great content as always, however I have some feedback on this one already as well. The light on top left corner is a bit too much. It can’t be just me, it’s just too bright and distracting… I keep getting sucked into it and it feels like the sun. 😂


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but when you send this to a potential employer, do you expect to get it back afterwards? Or is it a gift even if they don’t hire you?


Love your book, but I think the landscapes don't fit in the book. It is a total different niche. The photos are awesome, but not sure if it fits in with all the other photos.


This video started out so well. I liked the explainer on building the book. But once that was done, I could imagine people’s eyes glazing over through the “slide show” just as they do when I’m showing off my own work. I got as far as 22:48 before I walked away.
