Is Age Just a Number? How Old Do You Really Feel on the Inside?

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Does it ever feel like you are aging much more slowly on the inside than on the outside? If so, you’re not alone.

When I talk with the women in our community, they often tell me that they still feel like the same person that they were in their 20s, 30s or 40s.

Oh, sure, we have gained wisdom and experience over the years… but, inside, we still feel the same as we always have. Not everyone feels this way, but, enough of us do that I wanted to start a discussion.

Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me!

How old do you feel on the inside? Do you feel like your internal age is the same as your external age? Why or why not? Please join the conversation and tell one other woman about Sixty and Me today. The more the merrier!

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Since turning 60, I became 40 and a (20year) bit. I'm now 45 and a bit! It prevents me from falling into old age thinking and keeps me open to travelling and adventures. I'm not long back from towing my little caravan from the south of England to the south of France to meet up with a group of ladies of a similar age, travelling solo like me, in their motorhomes and campervans, and despite the very rainy weather, we had a great time. You are right, Margaret, the brain believes what you tell it!


i am 65 yrs old now.age does not matter for me.i dont feel my age now .what i feel is being contented to myself. thanks to sixty n me add to my happiness.


Great advice! Love your videos! Retired at 67 and am now enjoying my grandsons and took up crocheting. Some days I think maybe I should have kept working and some days, not so much:) Keeping busy is the key. Having productive days no matter what you're doing is most satisfying for me:) Enjoying sunrises and beautiful sunny crisp days now in October is the BEST!


until some illnesses, i felt about 20 years younger. now i feel every year, sadly. however, hope does continue to spring and i would love to return to where i was. if it doesn't happen, i will go on trying to regain strength and keep sharp & wise . margaret, you look lovely today! thank you for sharing such great topics. ~k


I am turning 50 next month. I felt the best in my mid 20s. I have been through a lot of things the past few years. I feel a bit older than my age. I have an empty nest now after my child went to college. I really appreciate this video. It was so good for me to listen to it. Thank you  :)


Hello Margret! I want to say that I love the necklace you are wearing today. Also, I love the rocks you painted! My favorite season is the fall. My birthday is in the fall, and maybe that is the reason I love it so much. I've recently moved from Florida, where its either hot or warm, but now I am living in Kansas. I look forward to actually having seasons again, since I was born in New York originally. I am 66 years old and worked from 17 years old until 60 years old. No breaks in between. I had my first and only daughter when I was 41. I am a breast cancer survivor and I feel great. I live with my husband who is disabled right now, so I am his caretaker. My daughter and her husband live with us and they keep me "young". I would say that I feel like I am in my 40's. I love staying home and love keeping house. Something I was never able to do since I always worked 2 jobs. Now I have time to do the things I love. I write, read, do some crafts and painting. I am content with being me. Hope I did not make this too long!! lol.


Hi Margaret, l am so happy that l found you, it's so refreshing listening to you, your talks really inspire me, l am almost 70, and very energetic, l feel 40...l love to dress nicely, and l love to host little tea parties, it keeps me busy and have something to plan ahead, and feel excited about, l do think life is what you make it. Enjoy it.


I'm 66 but feel like I'm in my 30's and often forget how old I actually am-until someone makes a comment referring to age and then I remember how old I must look to younger people.


I just love this channel. You do the best and informative program. Plus, you are the sweetest person. Hugs! I feel younger than my years. I feel 40 most days, but some days older than my 64 years!


hi Margaret, this is very pertinent as I am turning 60 soon and feel like i am still 40 inside! I loved when you mentioned your interest in women in Medieval times. I am a percussionist and have formed a duo with my friend who plays hurdy gurdy. We have found youtube videos of Medieval music and have worked out some tunes and the rhythms. Hoping we get more band members playing other instruments through our meet-up group. I also love sewing and have been making medieval costumes for when we perform at local festivals


I feel different ages depending on what I'm doing. Sometimes when I try something new I feel like a little kid all fumbling and eager to do it right. But it's finally come around that the clothes I wore in High School are popular again...and called vintage *sigh.


I think that having something to look forward to helps keep me feeling younger inside. Staying busy wih things I enjoy. I love to plan an outing with a friend for lunch and consignment shop and antique shopping. This time of he year I love going to one of our lovely state park inns for lunch and seeing all the fall colors.


Wellll.. if you ask my grandkids they all say I am “really old at 30!” Just love their innocence! But I do feel like my inner age stopped in my 30’s and I actually have times when I forget I am not! Positive attitude, smiles and feeling blessed makes one feel youthful!!


I agree with you to have a hobby helps us to keeps us healthy and forget discomforts i feel physically as 80 or 90 depends on the day it varies but mentally as teenager !


I feel about maybe 40 (which I'm not). Although I feel age is just a number. I keep myself current. I listen to current music. I don't like all of it but there is some that I do. I am not able to clothes shop but I would try new styles. If I could walk I would dance. I would also volunteer but first I have to get to walk.


Beautiful rocks. I too paint rocks. Have for years. When my children were small and when ever we went camping we spent many a day painting our rocks. We also had a collection in a dish. Ours were sprayed with an acrylic to make them shine and protect them . We also paint with nail polish. I feel 29-45. I feel like I am fibbing when I state my actual age. It does not seem possible.


I am 60 but feel 30. Every year my husband and I take a really adventurous vacation. In August we spent a month with a backpack only and traveled to Gabon, Cameroon and Central African Republic to see the beautiful elephants and gorillas. It was probably the most remote trip we have taken since there was hardly any infrastructure. I used to travel in my 20s, and I still find it so thrilling to see the animals. I think the key is to lead a really healthy lifestyle, don't listen to the news too much, and don't let fear be part of the equation. By the way, I live in Hawaii and tell my friends about your channel. Hugs.


Hi Margaret: After watching one of your videos for the first time, I somehow left a connection with you. Something about you rang some bell in me. Today I discovered what it is: We are both rock painters! After my husband passed, I was already retired and searching desperately for something to fill my time and help lift me out of the pit I'd slipped into. A friend turned me on to Mandala rock painting. I didn't do too well with Mandalas since they are very intricate and adding even more stress to my days. So I just started looking for paintings that others had posted on the internet and just do the best I could. They were never meant to be sold so it didn't matter that I was copying. Anyhow, I really enjoyed doing them, and even though I have since had to put that hobby on the shelf, I still get them out occasionally and look at them .


hi margaret most days I feel 38 . it just depends on the day I guess. I enjoy hiking .and traveling. most of all my family is important .and my lady friends. eating right and keeping weight down . does help. everyone in my family lives to be 105 yrs old . but will see all we can do is try and take care of ourselves.


Hi Margaret, you mentioned that if we are going to write we should "write deep, " and not "skirt around the issues." Coincidentally, I was reading a magazine today that quoted Ernest Hemingway as saying, "A writer's problem does not change. It's always how to write truly and having found what is true, to project it in such a way that it becomes a part of the experience of the person who reads it." I think, indeed, the best reading experiences stem from "deep" writing. BTW, I am just finishing reading Agatha Christie's autobiography and although I have read it before (many years ago) I have really enjoyed reading it again. I think as our age progresses we derive a different level of understanding and sympathy for the writer. In case anyone is interested the name of the book is, "Agatha Christie. An Autobiography, " published by Harper in Collins in 1977.
