What if age is just a state of mind? | Bruce Grierson | TEDxPSU

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Why do some people age more slowly than others? The usual suspects are genetic good fortune and lifestyle interventions like diet, sleep and exercise. But one factor that has been vastly overlooked: the thoughts we think. In this talk, social-science writer Bruce Grierson draws on cutting-edge research and the example of a nonagenarian athlete named Olga Kotelko, whose age-defying exploits almost beggar belief.

Bruce Grierson was born and raised in Edmonton, Canada, and started on a pre-med stream before switching into the social sciences..After undergrad, he took a year to clear his head. He planted 50,000 or so evergreen trees in the mosquito-infested wilds of northern Alberta, tended sheep on a farm in Norway, spent time alone on a Greek Island. Somewhere during that year he remembered that what he always wanted to do most was write. Grierson started doing some journalism, which evolved into a specialty in long-form creative nonfiction. His work has been published in The New York Times magazine, Psychology Today, Popular Science, Discover, Scientific American, Eighteen Bridges, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Guardian, and the Globe and Mail. He has collaborated with Kalle Lasn on the book Culture Jam, and has since written two more books, U-Turn and most recently What Makes Olga Run?

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I'm 25 guy.
My 10s life was literally so terrible.
Cuz My family was always discordant, and my parents were alcoholics.
My teen was really depressed, so once again I was depressed by the fact that nothing I had ever done.
Because I thought I was in my 20s and it was already too late to succeed.
However, after watching this video, I realized that I was very young and I can do everything.
As a firefighter, if I have enough money to go to college, I will sit down and go straight to college.
Thank u ted. This video changed all my life.


Goodness gracious. What a woman. And seriously, why doesn't this talk have more views. I think there is still time when science arrives to this logical conclusion but the takeaway here is that the stuff that goes on in your hand HIGHLY influences how your body behaves including aging. And as they say, where there is a will there is a way. It's high time we started taking up mental health seriously; it's just the other side of the coin physical health is a part of


What a beautiful, inspiring talk!!!! Wow! Thank you for sharing about Olga and how she is a youth prime for you. And for sharing this powerful shift in the aging mindset.


What's infuriating is that doctors and medical settings contribute to "age primes." In some clinics, you meet a doctor for the first time when you're in an exam chair in their offices. They don't even come get you from reception so they don't see how you move. If Olga had come to see them, they'd see an older lady politely waiting. The forms have no place for fitness - just weight. (One reason I refuse to step on scales.) They don't see how people move or get up from chairs. So they assume everyone over 60 is a fall risk. They say, "At your age..." They ignore hundreds of studies showing the variability of aging. We need to start speaking up and refusing to accept those primes.


What a great TED Talk. Represents the power of the spirit human <3


So so true . Olga beautiful impressive amazing soul proved I am possible. It's all in yourself and. Belief. Thank you, bless you. All your dreams come true. Olga proved that if fail that at least I did it to the best of my abilities.


☼ i love this: bc if you dare say anything about ellens work never being replicated, or that if olga died at 60 you wouldnt have that story, or the problems w/a single self report selected 100 person sample "on average" & what that actually means - youll be shouted down as negative. beautiful positive nonsense, that from every other area of life we know is almost certainly not going to be right.

makes me want to write a book tho. except some of us actually do want to live longer, healthier, thats the problem. if that is possible: this type of cr*p hinders us from finding actual universally applicable ways. gr8 talk.


what if jail is just how you perceived building


I could be his smoking gun. I haven't always done the what's best in diet and sleeping. Plus I didn't regularly exercise, beat up my body with work (sometimes I'd get like 6 hrs of sleep and wouldn't eat lunch), and I have also not always put the smartest things into my body. But I've always kinda been a man child and have claimed that I was living to at least 400 or just went full ridiculous and claimed I was a vampire(spider-man, immortal, and all kinds of nonsense). I'm about to be 31 but my little avatar claims different.


This is all fine for some, but my mother has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. You can’t think yourself out of this dreadful disease. This is an insult.
