The Future of Humanity, Malcolm Gladwell - WGS 2018

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"""There has been a dramatic shift in the nature of what people want and need from their governments."" - Malcolm Gladwell, Globally Renowned Author

The world has changed fundamentally, according to the author Malcolm Gladwell, from one in which problems are puzzles to one in which they are, instead, mysteries. Using terminology developed by an intelligence official, Gregory Treverton, Gladwell said this distinction often centres on the amount of information available. In the past it was often about having too little data – a puzzle; in today's world too much data is more likely to be the issue – a mystery. To take education as an example, today a wealth of data on how teachers perform is available, including on such complex is-sues as how a particular teacher's methods interact with the capabilities of an individual student. Similar issues affect fields as diverse as defense and health care. This places challenges on institutions such as governments, because many developed their ways of operating in the 19th or even the 18th century. They are equipped to solve puzzles, not mysteries.

"لقد كان هناك تحول جذري في طبيعة ما يريده الناس ويحتاجون إليه من حكوماتهم." - مالكولم جلادويل، المؤلف الشهير. #القمة_العالمية_للحكومات
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I can listen to Malcolm Gladwell for years. without being distracted. Thank you for sharing.


This is an extremely important topic and I think would make an excellent "next book" for Malcom.
On the topic of education, I see the potential beyond improving individual teacher to student communication The more serious issue in my opinion is that the school curiculuum needs to be modernized . Expand beyond accademic topics to include education and training in life skills . Things like how to respect and get along with others in society . Emotional control - This is a trainable skill. Communication skills . Skills needed for work place success . This approach will reduce poverty, crime, and income inequality. Hope Malcom agrees and will use his "bully pulpet" to lead us to this type of education.


Biggest challenge is battling corruption now that journalism is on life support. That's where the real future challenge is.


Here’s humanity’s problem: we’re reactionary when solving problems. Most often, we’re only motivated when the problem encroaches our _individual_ lifestyles. If not personally affected, we resist the need to change. So what happens when the problem is species-wide annihilation? We’ll be too slow to respond. But the time *everyone* agrees on what to do and how to do it, it’ll be over.


Very thought provoking lecture Mr gladwell


Great work on your presentation! I like that you didn't stop as your vocal chords cried out from fatigue. Very professional!


One of the greatest presentations I have seen in the wide world of media; Gladwell has outdone himself!


Fantastic delivery. Great about the fundamental shift that governments need to make to really solve the problems of their people today. Using old methods and expecting change with new problems is the real issue we face right now.


He is such a good speaker that it is easy to forget that like most everyone else he can be right about his beliefs and conclusions and he can be wrong.


In a puzzle - there is a framework to find a solution...In a mystery - a framework must be created to find a solution. ...a puzzle uses known tools and skill sets can can be be fixed by a technician ... a mystery requires an analyst to develop a framework and what tools or skill sets are need before a technician is need... .


I think what he's getting at is the progression of the model of our world.

With limited information and a dogmatic view, decision making is easier, but the results can sometimes be no better than picking at random.

With more information we start to paint a picture of reality that is not black & white, rather shades of gray lying on a spectrum. Overlapping different layers of graduated information creates a much more complex image of the reality or a problem.

The question he his raising is, what are the skills required for a person in a position of power to be able to actually visualize and make good decisions based on this much more nuanced vision of our world?


Great talk.. 40 mins time well spent .. Puzzle vs Mystery, How Information Gathering and intelligence is applied before Action is taken.


Brilliant. .wow...this is a mindsets shifting that is needed and all levels. ...


Agree completely with Jacinto, Malcom has it backwards. Our problems today arise not so much from lack of information, rather making sense of the info we have. The former is the mystery and the later is the puzzle.


just new to this channel and truly liking the discourse. Wendy Lynn Gaspard from Canada :)


Motivation comes from opportunity and hope. Market access is key. The most important factor in controlling fear is to being honest with building expectations and clearly define a government's relationship with its people...The most important value of a government is to lead its people successfully to adapting to new challenges it faces in the future... that means empowering people and identifying the common shared values that bring them together as a people


Love M. Gladwell, though this lecture is not long on the future of humanity.


Yeah, teaching teachers to feed back the kinds of language kids use and think in is super helpful
you can almost immediately pick a kids, who speaks frequently in visual (or auditory or kinesthetic) words, favorite teacher buy the matching of the teachers language


The most important thing in education is the learner, more specifically the brain of the learner.
Everyone from the parents, to teachers, to the President or Prime Minister, needs to know how their brain works, needs to know how they themselves learn, so they can assist the learner in the crib, through to adulthood.

Quote by a leader in the field of genetics, Francis Crick.

“There is no scientific study more vital to man than the study of his own brain.
Our entire view of the universe depends on it.”
No better place to begin the study of mindfulness than with parents understanding
of the developing brains of newborns.


World government summit should be all you need to know.
