20 minutes in the Celestial Room of the Gilbert Arizona Mormon Temple w/ hidden camera

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On June 29, 2016 I attended the Gilbert Arizona Temple. There were only 9 men and 10 women in attendance. I almost joined the prayer circle this time but then another man jumped in so I stepped back out.

After the standard hugs and back slapping from his family members I noticed that the first timer and his friend/escort were left alone in the Celestial Room [at about the 17:05 mark in the video] so I walked across the room and struck up a conversation with them. I have edited out their names to protect their identities.

The "escort" (he's wearing a tag pinned to his shirt identifying him as the newbies official escort) was the best friend of the newbie. He was also another soon-to-be missionary who had just received his own endowments the week before. I gave the future missionaries some advice and compared the endowment ceremony to a Jewish bar mitzvah and told them to remember my name as we would probably talk again.

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Heaven looks a lot like a hotel lobby at the Ritz Carlton.


If someone yelled out Bingo or a Conga Line formed, I’d be 100% sure that the celestial room was really the recreational lobby of my grandparents retirement home.


At 85, 000-square-feet, the Gilbert Arizona Temple is the largest temple the LDS Church has built in 17 years, and it cost one ba-ba-ba-BILLION dollars to construct.


Dude you have BALLS you have my best wishes that you don't get caught there with that camera. Props to your bravery dude.


It utterly blows my mind that adults take this seriously


The only thing special I see about this secret room is that it's nice and clean.


I was a Mormon for the first 38 years of my life. I'm now sitting here watching this, enjoying a cup of coffee. Thank GOD I got away from these wierdos


I won't ask you to divulge, in the interest of you being able to continue pulling this off. But every time I watch these, I mentally play a game of "where did he hide that camera."


All I can say is props to the people who decorated that room


I just watched a video about Scientology prior to this. A sterile, blindingly white, and peaceful room is just what I need after that experience.


Wow I'm in heaven and it looks like a hotel lobby!


This explains why EVERY Mormon has this furniture


I know God is present that tempe. You know how I know? Look at how white that carpet is!! There must be some divine intervention to keep it that clean.


Yeah Lucifer really does a good job of deceiving all that shiny pearly marble glitz and glamour when Jesus simply said to follow


This just makes absolutely no sense. They memorize masonic handshakes and wear masonic aprons just to go sit in a room in silence? That somehow brings them closer to God? I just....don't understand.


I can't believe my parents do this crap


The men look like meat Packers at Costco. Who knew? love these videos.


If you people think this is strange then you don't know a Mormon. My wife returned to the Mormon church and I was so unaware of what was going on. Her "celestial husband" came back after many years and began stalking her for a long time. Didn't know he was a Serpent Man. I told my wife that he was a snake. I've got records and stuff they forgot to conceal from me. It's mostly these people get caught up in this cult and they are given a position of authority.

I'd say, "How'd it go at Temple today." she'd reply, "There are secrets we cannot reveal." Anyway this guy just last week 1/26/18 was somehow able to convince her to leave me. With me thinking she was getting her hair done, don't know if they met or what but I got a little note from my landlord saying, Mary wanted me to give this to you. She closed the bank account down, took some of it and is now either in Auburn or Castro Valley, CA.
It'd take a long story to do this right but I'm telling you this, they destroy families and seem to have no conscience. Don't ever let any of those Mormon Serpents near your wife or child and don't let any of your family talk with them. Just like that the f'r stole my wife.
I kept telling her he was a sociopath, which is the same thing she said over the last 20 years. How they bewitch people is amazing.
I'd like to add a lot of nasty words, (know some of their secrets), but then I'd be just as nasty as them.
One of Stephen's new titles is a Melchezidek Priest, and I know a thing or two about who holds that title. Christians know him as Jesus Christ. Religious or not I don't care what you are.
Just keep your family away from these serpents. They appear holy and honest but they are a pack of liars and deceivers.
Notice they always where white. My x started wearing these garments and, I suppose, the idea was or is to keep her sexually pure. She'd say, "Well I can't because I would be breaking my sacred vows....what? To her sneaky snake theiving moron.


So the Celestial Room looks like any 2* hotel lobby?


I remember a anti Mormon van with signs all over it parked overnight across from a banning, ca. Mormon temple....the next morning all the tires were cut, bullet holes in the doors, and all windows smashed. So much for love and peace.
