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Get ready for Roblox Pressure! is this the next Roblox doors?

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Leave a like on the video if I should do another video on Roblox Pressure!


8:08 Him getting one of the top rarest rooms in the whole game in the first run is insane


Here 3 tips
1.try to look behind you especially if you hear another set of footsteps that are not yours
2. The black squid hate lights so don’t shine it
3. If you go by a fake door you can hear breathing


Not Fusion finding a rare room AND a rare item in Sebastian’s shop in the same playtrough, crazy


“This would be sick if something was out there watching us.”

Eyefestation: *bet*


The fact that he survived the first boss by simply getting good light rng is wild. What the game intended for you to do is hide under or behind an object (like under the forklift, boxes, in closets, ect)


Roblox really went from “Survive this oh so spooky tornado” to “you are not expected to return. Oh and before I forget, there are huge monsters from your nightmares coming for your head.”


6:57 eyefestation was like perfect timing that was so funny 😭


The fact that you can shake the green flashlight and that sound it makes seems nostalgic.I remember that back a couple of years when you played the game tattletail it also had a green and blue flashlight that you would use in game to see in the dark 23:07


The angler is the rush type of monster. The 4 variants are as follows:

Green: it’s goes slow and releases a gas that makes you afraid of lockers. When it comes, only go in the locker when the screen shakes.

Pink: This one is like angler but when she arrives, the lights don’t flicker. However, she makes a loud audio cue when she comes.

Brown: This variant is like ambush. It’s comes back and fourth. Once it comes the 1st time, it may take a while for the next time to come.

Grey: This variant is like angler but way more faster. It may sound like nothing is coming but at the last second, it comes rushing through.

Don’t worry, they all have different sound cues. Hoped this helped.

Edit: please do not write any more comments. This comment section has been through enough already…


Nice! A fusion video just uplaoded 21 seconds ago, i got all my snacks and drinks

man this is gonna be a good night


8:10 I think bro got one of the rarest rooms, I can only find 3 videos with it, jeez


1:12 "Why do i look like that, why am i built like a fridge!?" Had me dying 😂


The reason as to why your cursor starts moving by itself and your heartbeat increases while in a locker is because of the character having claustrophobia, thus you get forced out of the locker if you stay there too long.

This mechanic is worsened with the Angler varient; Chainsmoker. They're slow, so you need to time when you enter a locker more or else the gas it emits will force you out, right into its clutches



I love when Fusion found a room that was filled with flames, but then he, out of nowhere, turned into a cavemen from ancient times.


Since you’ll probably play this game again, I just want to explain the basic mechanics and also other things about them (such as AI)

Anger: Since the angler causes some electrical malfunctions, the lights will begin to flicker. Once that happens, you have to wait for the angler to get close enough before getting in a locker. The angler doesn’t actually work exactly like rush though. It has to see you for a certain amount of time to kill you, so sometimes you can just hide in between boxes and you’ll be fine. You can also hide in plain sight sometimes if the area is out of its hit box. Also, his variants +pandemonium can only spawn after 25.

Pinkie: Unlike angler, pinkie does not have the electrical abilities, so you’ll have to listen for her loud sound cue. Other than that, pretty similar to Angler.

Froger: He has the same electrical abilities as angler. Though, after you hide from him, you’ll have to wait for him to turn around before getting out. Then he’ll do a rebound. I’ve seen a lot of people say he comes more than twice, even though I haven't encountered this, so watch out for that

Chainsmoker: Just a slow blob fish. My tip is that you should hide once your screen starts shaking violently, since they can’t kill you instantly.

Blitz: I hate blitz. He causes the lights to flicker for a lot longer, making me assume his electrical abilities are a lot stronger than the other variants. The other difference is that he can move faster than the speed of light, so you have to get in the locker the SECOND you begin to hear his scream get louder.

Pandemonium: Pandemonium will cause the lights to flicker similarly to angler (fun fact: his file says his electrical abilities aren’t as strong), and his starting speed is actually pretty slow. But as soon as he sees even a small pixel of you, he’ll begin to go straight to you location, so you’ll have to hide in a locker and keep it shut via a minigame, though pandemonium will continuously begin to ram himself into the locker, making your mouse move. He’ll eventually leave if it doesn’t work.
While it is hard, you can actually hide from pandemonium without a locker. You’d have to hide behind something like a desk or a wall or something else that would block his raycasting. These spots are called PSS’. Also, something I used to believe was that he would check the entire room, so you would HAVE to find a locker, but actually, he follows the exact same path as the angler and its variants, only directing off it when he sees you.

Squiddles: Black squids that hang out in the dark. They either spawn naturally in dark rooms, or when one of the angler variants causes the lights to go out (pinkie and pandemonium don’t turn them off). If you shine you light on them, or get too close to them, they will make their presence known via a loud audio cue and bright face. Just turn your light source off/step away to avoid damage being taken. However, the flash beacon and black light don’t cause the same effect. The flash beacon can help you find their positions, and the black light will let you walk around while not disturbing them. Also, funny glitch I found is that if you point a handcrank flashlight at them and then begin charging it, the flashlights hit box will still be there but won’t cause the squiddle to attack, so you can just stare at their face without risk of being attacked.

Eyefestation: A bull shark with a bunch of eyes. If you look at her, your brain will actually begin to melt, so you’ll take damage, but the eyefestation will also cause an effect that’ll make you start turning to look at her, so you’ll have to continuously turn your screen to avoid being forced to take damage. If you use a flash beacon, this will make her angrier, causing her to make you look faster and take more damage at a time. You’ll also get some epic music and red lighting. If you flash her AGAIN though, she’ll angrier and it’ll start feeling like you’re fighting a secret boss. And fun fact: if you enrage her, she’ll actually appear more often. A regular eyefestation will have a small cooldown for every other room, but an enraged one doesn’t have this (I learned from personal experience).

The Good People: This entity is actually made up of two different entities. One that is part of the system, and a physical entity. The physical entity is made up of a bunch of humans and a mask. It’s so traumatized that when you open the wrong door, it attacks you immediately. The one in the system affects the screens of some of the doors to trick you into walking into the room with the physical entity. The reason it does this is because the saboteur told him to delay the retrieval of the crystal as much as possible so that all the entities have a higher chance of escaping. Really, the one in the system just wants to make art when he gets out. Ways to avoid these rooms are by listening for breathing, and to see if any sparks come out of the screen next to the door. Sometimes these screens will also display random messages from the one in the system, who seems to be trying to apologize. These messages also appear when you open a good people door. Sometimes it’ll also display a face as if they’re making fun of you. Also, if an angler variant comes through, the number of the door will turn dark, so if the number is still glowing, don’t go through it.

Wall Dwellers: THEY’RE IN THE WALLS. LITERALLY. Sometimes when you open a door, a wall dweller will crawl out of the walls in the room behind you. If you begin to hear an extra set of footsteps behind you, immediately look back, as the wall dwellers will instantly kill you. Sometimes they can come back after a failed attack, however. You can also eat their yummy flesh. I haven’t done this yet, so if you know what effect it gives please tell mee.

Mr. Lopee: In a run with other people, you can get left behind if you’re slow. Mr. Lopee then comes to save the day by taking a random amount of health and giving you back to the other players. That’s all I have to say honestly.

Parasites: If you stray too far from the green lights in the ending encounter or the other Trenchbleeder encounter you may or may not experience mid game, you get some nasty parasites on you. Just shake your screen around and they’ll come off. But stay away for too long or get too far away and you’ll be swarmed.

Searchlights: If you get spotted by the orange spotlights that come from the entity, you’ll get hooked and die. You can get grazed by it before hiding, though. To hide, just hide under boxes or wood, or just behind a shelf close to the edges. Using a locker is honestly worse than using those. In the beginning encounter, the searchlight follows a singular path, but in the ending encounter, their pathing is random, though at the end of the encounter, they do stay in one place for a bit.

TrenchBleeder: One of the rarer ones to die to. In the encounter you might have mid-game, you are able to get stepped on. Just stay low and avoid their feet. Simple. Also, fun fact, the trenchbleeders are so heavy that they’ll collapse on land and can only stay in water. The PA guy also has multiple names for them. Lucy will always be the one at the end, but the mid-encounter can be either River, Rose, or Leon.

And now, the only reason anyone ever plays this game…Sebastian

The Saboteur/Sebastian Solace: Mid-way through, before the beginning encounter, you’ll find Sebastian’s shop where you can get some items. It’s pretty useful. He’s also the one who tells you the mechanics of entities, and will also take away confidential files, which you can read in the lobby. He’s obviously the fan favorite. He was experimented on by Urbanshade to see if they could give people gills, after he was accused of the murder of 9 people. He was later proven innocent, but he was never told, and they couldn’t revert his form. So he caused a lockdown, and is trying to help a lot of the monsters escape.

If I missed anything please tell me this took half an hour to type


"I'm sure you're the top player in the game"

Dog pandemonium keeps tossing me in the dumpster before I can finish the finale...

My best tip to you would be to keep aware of the change in the angler varients sounds. Chainsmoker is slow, so be patient before entering a locker with him, pinkie screams the loudest, blitz has a build up before he rushes you really fast, and frogger will rush back and forth so you may have to get out and back into the locker for him.

For the happy people, in segments with mutipule doors with the same number, stand near it [but not close enough to open it] and listen for breathing or growling, do not go in that door.

Sabastian is cool, he trades the assets you find for mid run essentials. [Don't tell staff I said he's cool]

For pandemonium [my run ender] His line of sight is immaculate, if he GLIMPSES you, he's gonna make a bee line for you, even if you hide, play his locker minigame until he gives up

Squigs [The black squid creatures] hate having light shined on them, or if you stand close to them for to long. [The blacklight and the flash beacon do not agro them.]

Don't look at eyefestation. Seriously.

Don't go into lockers with void, you can hear him breath and making sounds. There's also a purple glow coming from any lockers he is in.

Thats all I got for you, if anyone can think of something I left out, or any corrections, plz comment them. I left out late run monsters as to not spoil it for him.


Always check behind you as an entity called the 'wall dweller' tries to randomly sneak up on you, looking at him makes him go away.

There are variants of the rush entity called 'angler'. The normal angler will just be normal and will speed through to try kill you if you're in its path. One variant is called 'frogger' (or 'froger' I forgot) and he will go past and come back, similar to the ambush in doors. Wait for him to go back the way he came from and wait there until he doesn't come back for a bit. Another variant is called 'pinky' which does not make the lights flicker and randomly comes, so make sure you are ready and your sound is up. Then there is 'blitz', he will make the lights flicker for a longer time period. When this happens make sure you hide as soon as you here something as he is extremely fast. The last one is called 'chainsmoker' and he is annoyingly slow. This means you will have to hide perfectly as he also emits green smoke making the entity in the closets kick you out quicker. From all variants of the angler, you don't have to hide, as long as it doesn't go to where you are you should be fine.

There is another entity called 'pandamonium' which also requires you to hide specifically in a closet. Failure to do so kills you but even if you do, he will throw your mouse randomly across your screen and you need to try your best to keep it in the middle. There is also an entity in the closets which, if you go in the same closet as it does, it traps you and the only way to get out is the help of any fellow inmates.

'Eyefestation' is the green shark that makes you look at it. Just don't look, however if you do you will only take damage and won't die right away. If you use a flash beacon on it, it becomes much harder to look away from and changes color. It does give you a badge though.

To spot fake doors, the numbers on them will spark from time to time and you can also hear the entity through the walls.

Please play the game again or I wrote a whole novel for no reason.


Glad you finally played this!
Im not through with the video, but those squids in the dark only appear in the dark and will attack you only if you have your light on them, you can also use a blacklight and they won't attack you.
Also if you stay in the locker you don't take damage but your character wants to leave the locker.
The pink version of angler doesn't cause lights to flicker but makes a loud scream when she is coming to you.
I know im the biggest yapper of all time.


3:08 the Wall Dweller foreshadowing is crazy 😭😭
