Snap Swivels & Artificial Lures: Should You Use Snap Swivels With Fishing Lures?

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Here's a question we get a lot...
Should you use snap swivels with artificial lures?
It sounds like a good idea, right?
It's so quick to swap out lures, so when the fish aren't biting, you don't need to retie a whole new knot, you can just snap on a new lure.
But is the time you save worth it?
See why in the video below.
Have any questions about using snap swivels with artificial lures?
Let us know in the comments below!
Should you use snap swivels with artificial lures?
It sounds like a good idea, right?
It's so quick to swap out lures, so when the fish aren't biting, you don't need to retie a whole new knot, you can just snap on a new lure.
But is the time you save worth it?
See why in the video below.
Have any questions about using snap swivels with artificial lures?
Let us know in the comments below!
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