Why Bananas No Longer Taste Like Banana: the story of the Gros Michel

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Did you ever wonder why banana flavored candy tastes more like banana than a banana? The answer is found in the story of the Gros Michel. Everybody should taste the Gros Michel, they are what bananas are supposed to taste like.

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My math teacher in high school was from Trinidad/Tobago he didn't eat American bananas and was adamant that we shouldn't either. He said they tasted like wet paper.


I've been telling people for years many foods tasted better when I was younger. "Yeah but Dad, you're old and your taste buds change". While there may be SOME truth to that, beer still tastes like beer, vienna sausage still tastes like vienna sausage but I'll be damned if I can find fruits and vegetables that were as good as they used to be. Every now and again an orange is good and some local tomatoes and onions. There is also a farm in Cali (can't recall the name) that when I see their nectarines at the store, I buy them. Superb!


True story. I live on the coast of California and received a shipment of avocados from GuacFarm and they arrived in perfect shape. In fact, I had to wait 4 days for them to ripen. It was so worth the wait though. My neighbors still talk about the size of those avocados. haha It's true what you say about vine ripened strawberries and tomatoes. Local farmer's markets are the best if you can't grow your own.


I heard there used to be hundreds of varieties of Apples in the USA until big corporations forced the orchards to grow about 5 varieties


The true candy-like banana taste you're talking about can often be found in commercial ''mini'' bananas. Also, strangely enough, I sometimes get that same banana candy taste in regular commercial bananas that have been picked green, but never actually turned yellow and started browing on the outside. You may think they aren't ripe, but they actually are and totally taste like banana candy! When I find one that tastes like that, it feels like Christmas! :)


This guy has so much charisma, what a great story


When I listen to you, I think you're the luckiest farmer in America. God Bless SleepyLizard.😊👍👍👍💪


I live on the Portuguese island of Madeira, east atlantic, off the coast of Morocco. Our main Banana is the Dwarf Cavendish, Followed by Robusta and Grand Nain (Chiquita). Thankfully both Manzano and Prata readily available here. The Prata or Silver usually commands a higher price due to the tall plants that quite often get damaged by strong winds. I also love that Monstera Delisiosa grows semi wild all over the island, taking over abandoned gardens and wasteground. I have several plants which produce fruit within a short walk from me and a neighbour who regularly gives us its fruit.


My Dad was stationed at Fort Clayton, Panama Canal Zone. There were many gardens there. We would stop and buy fresh, ready to eat vegetables and fruit. The bananas were the best I have ever had


Toh-om! [whimpers] Ever since your video four or five years ago first mentioning the Gros Michel banana my desire to eat one has become an obsession (my offer of $20 just for one Gros Michel still stands). When I was in hiking near the upper Manatee River in Parish Florida I cam across an orange tree and it’s fruit was in season. I had never tasted such a delicious, tree ripened orange in my life. We really need to become more of an agrarian society. There is nothing that compares to FRESH! Thanks for the tease! 😂


Hi Tom: Just saw the Banana video! That is absolutely a true statement. I know that as a fact. Coming from Jamaica, I do vividly recall eating the Gros Michel bananas. The best tasting banana in my opinion. We had other varieties also such as he locally named "Honey Banana". It is smaller and more rotund, but you can guess from the name, it is really sweet! My wife says you cannot eat only one of those, 3 to 4 is the obligatory minimum! As usual, a well crafted and presented video! BTW, I just finished eating my Hall Avocados I got at the Farm. They were superb!! Also saw Fruitful Trees eating his Hall, Monroe and Choquette on his video!


Oh yeah! Starfruit from your tree was delicious! Do you know what's the variety?
Monroe Avocado from your farm is the best avocado I've eaten, hands down!


A homegrown cavendish banana, picked when it's actually ripe, tastes a lot better than the ones picked green for the stores, but it doesn't compare to just about any other variety picked at peak ripeness.

Mysore bananas are the best, though. So good that I go through the trouble of growing a couple mysore plants up here in northern Illinois, zone 5b. I grow those 'Truly Tiny' bananas, too, but those 4 footers are the only variety that people will buy up here with winter and all. I get it, though. 4ft is a lot easier to manage indoors, than say the 16ft Mysores eventually reach... lucky for me, mine are only 8ft at the moment. lol


Makes perfect sense…I miss childhood green grape flavor as well…thank you for the education ❤️💕


Great video Tom.. I won't be having tomatoes again till spring.. and is it wrong that I'm just a bit envious of all the fresh fruit plants you have? lol


Thank you so so much for the tank top! Is so comfy and great quality! I was soooo happy it arrived in time for our Australian summer. I am so proud to wear a Sleepy Lizard shirt all the way over here! I absolutely recommend your merch to anyone considering purchasing, its great quality! 🥑💖🥑


Learned a lot in this video. When will your avocado grafted trees be back in stock? Thanks


Excellent sharing of info, direct, clear, common-sensical. 5 Stars.


Hi, I’m in need of a cutting from an avocado for a tree I started from seed. Do you sell cuttings and what season is best for that? I’m in Oregon.


I thoroughly enjoyed your explanations! Great video!
