Public Service Broadcasting - People, Let's Dance - Peckham Audio, London, 23/8/22

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"You know what I was saying about getting it wrong multiple times...?" The irony being that, just before this song started, J. Willgoose, Esq. was extolling the Music Venue Trust's work to keep small venues open, and he highlighted how that ensured there remained places for new acts to play and to get things wrong multiple times as part of their development!

Gig was in association with the Music Venue Trust, who were of particular importance to venues during lockdown. Please see their latest initiative, 'Own Our Venues', and please look at its Crowdfunder site:

If you can afford to, please support it. Venues being owned by fans and grassroots music workers would make a huge difference to the security and viability of a lot of small venues, and without those small venues we simply won't have a healthy UK music scene.
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