10 Items to Buy Before a Great Depression

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My neighborhood we teamed up and all grow gardens and share what we grow. We also donate extra veggies to the area food shelf.


Buy land? Most people don’t even have $400 in emergency fund and are debt slaves! 😳


You should do a video on how to prep for being HOMELESS in a depression, because the vast majority of people these days can't go and buy land, and when their landlord evicts them that's where they'll be.
Just saying.


I was raised in the wilderness, mountains, no cars, no electricity, no doctors or hospitals, no supermarkets either; with guns around the house...I hope that experience helps me when needed. lol


Weapons, ammo, alcohol, cigarettes, canned food, flour, water filters, dog and cat food. Instead of buying gold - buy canned meat, guns and ammo because those you will be able to trade for anything . During food shortsge of WW2 in Russia gold meant nothing, but canned meat was so much more valuable


1, land
2, knowledge
3, money and precious metals
4, bulk, staple food
5, personal security items (guns)
6, medicine
7, denin, catton fabric
8, hunting and fishing suplies
9, a cast iron skillet or dutch oven
10, essential survival items


So I have to be a farmer, a soldier, a Tailor, and a precious metals and commodities trader? Everyone under the age of 30 who grew up with a cellphone in their hand is screwed.


Growing food is hard. People no longer how to do this. I have an acre and have spent years getting somewhat decent at growing food. It takes hands on practice to learn these skills.


I recently helped clean out a depression era house. Let me tell you at 98 years old she still saved “those little shards of soap that aren’t big enough for you to hold ya know”. Kept in a bucket in the cellar! When she had enough it was either remelted and molded back into bars! Or used as laundry detergent when power went out!


"The first wealth is health." Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Back in the 1930's one thing not spoken of much is how people helped each other out. Society then had more compassion. Remember all of us are going to be in this together.


I think it's time for the young to listen to their grandparents. My parents went through the Great Depression and not only told the stories, but carried those lesson throughout their lives. With only an acre, they grew and canned their own vegetables. They raised chickens for meaty and eggs. They paid cash for vehicles, and paid off their mortgage. Now that I am retirement age we have put into practice those important lessons they taught. One hard lesson we learned was forced upon us when my husband lost his job in 2001. We sold our home, sold all our extra Stuff, lost our investments in 2008. We took what was left and paid cash for much smaller home. We are now doing the garden and chicken thing. We don't have a bug out bag, we're staying put and taking a stand. We can fish and hunt if we have to. I'm disabled and not budging! We plan on protecting what's ours.


Plant some potatoes in your yard, this is one of the easiest most abundant survival foods with a long growing season, grow more than one variety.


I stock up on pet supplies including food and meds. Good to have protective dogs around.


For the first time in decades, the United States is losing its clout as a federal reserve currency. They don't have any more economies to use to control inflation, and less money is being spent on stock and oil trading than in the past. They all lend support to the idea that a new multilateral world order is in the works.. How can I profit from the current volatile market, I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $125k bond/stocck portfolio


I have inherited several cast iron skillets/pans that have been handed down in our family for over 100 years. I have paid so much attention to my 90 year old mother and all of her stories and things they did/do for survival. Technology is good for somethings, but the good old fashion way of doing things is time tested.


A second wave? Is the US aware that at this point there’s no end to their first wave?..


I just came across this channel and while I have never thought much about prepping, etc...we have done almost all of these things over the last year just instinctually. Feeling validated.


Good info. In fact, since lockdown, my husband and I have been able to work from home and save thousands of dollars... it’s shocking how easy it is if you downsize and stop spending money on dining out and boozing it up. No need to buy fancy clothes, perfume, makeup or shoes anymore either. We both make modest incomes but have been super-disciplined. We are saving to buy a modest home with land in Missouri or the Midwest and become homesteaders. We have been city folk all this time so we watch YouTube to learn about Homesteading, and making our stuff, canning, gardening, etc. I already know how to make my own clothes and cheese... We are preparing as best we can Instead of watching tv and distracting ourselves with dumb shit anymore. It’s time to get serious. What is happening in the US is much much more than meets the eye. The Great Depression was planned and orchestrated by America’s richest.... history shows this and perhaps is doesn’t hurt to be prepared.


My parents lived though the depression. My mother suffered, she lived in the city. My father did not suffer, he grew up in the country.
