God Has A Plan For You & Your Baby

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God has a plan for you and your baby, and it is a beautiful one ❤️

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I got pregnant at 19, while on birth control, the sperm donor split--and my son is now almost 18 and i couldn't be more proud of the man he's becoming. He's my reason to breathe.


I got pregnant at 19. I was a freshman in college. So many people told me I shouldn’t have the baby. I was scared. The dad was also 19 and he was completely useless suddenly now that I was pregnant. I was brave and choose life and I thank god every day! She’s is 16 now, a senior in high school. She’s so amazing and beautiful! It was so hard but I’d do it all again in a heartbeat! Your baby is always worth fighting for!


I wasn't brave.
I didn't trust what God had for my life. I regret it everyday. Its been 10 years and I reflect and repent every time I think of what I did. I pray no woman has to go through this time in their lives alone. You have God!
CHOSE YOUR CHILD! God has blessed you with a beautiful gift. Rejoice and thank him! Turn to him!


I got pregnant at 17 during 2 years of trafficking.

It's now 6-7 years later. I've been married for 4 years, we're happy, and my baby is thriving.

I thank God for her everyday regardless of the circumstances surrounding her conception. She really is the light of my life and has saved me more times than she'll ever know.

Things do get better, circumstances do change, and your child will bring more joy to your life than you could ever imagine.


I got pregnant at 18 gave my daughter up for adoption. I found her a few months after my mom died, 1999. I went into an adoption chat room website and was talking to someone about my daughter. They said I think I know where your daughter is. Years of praying and wanting to find out if she was ok and if she was taken good care of by her adopted parents, were answered. We had to go through the proper channels, signing release papers to verify that we were mother and daughter. Then release forms saying we could contact each other. We met and have a good relationship. That was 24 years ago that we found each other. I praise Yeshua that I didn’t get an abortion, I would not even consider it. I’m grateful that I was able to give someone a child to love.


I got pregnant at 16. Never thought about abortion. 23 years later she has blessed me with my first 2 wonderful grandchildren to love on 🥰❤️life is beautiful no matter what stage of life your in.


I am one of those teenage stories, and as hard as it was, I wouldn't change a thing. Love my babies!

Well, 22 & 24 year old babies now, but _my_ babies nonetheless.

Don't give up, trust God with all of your heart & soul & you'll not only get through it, you'll thrive! ❤


I got pregnant at 17, left everything to care for her and raise her best i could. I didn’t have parents to support me, but we made it happen. Now she’s 17, stating her senior year and is the most amazing kid ever, kind and loving who fears God and serves at church. God’s plan for our lives is amazing! 😊


I got pregnant at 22, but was not in a stable position mentally so I chose adoption. he's now 19 and in college. I have 4 babies of my own. I feel girls, young women also need to know their self worth does NOT come from guys. i felt negative attention was better than no attention and somehow felt that s*x was the only thing I could offer guys to make them like me. we need to teach our children worth comes from God, not others so that unexpected pregnancy doesn't even happen. ❤


I got pregnant at 21 after taking plan B. I felt like a teen. My dad wouldn’t talk to me. I had shattered all his hopes and dreams for me. I felt I had ruined my life and that it was the worst thing that could have happened to me. I felt so alone and my depression was so deep my baby girl was born only 4.7 lbs.
planned parenthood had offered me an abortion and I said no! I told them this was my responsibility. She’ll be 10 this year. She made me grow up. I don’t know where I would be without her. I’ve since gotten married with a good man and had 3 more children.
I became a licensed vocational nurse without any debt.
Abortion isn’t the answer.


I got unexpectedly pregnant. My son is my whole world. His Mommy and Daddy couldn't imagine our lives without him. It is ALL worth it. I had a MISERABLE pregnancy, and I would do it all over again for that precious little boy.


As someone who made the biggest mistake of my life ten years ago, I can promise you, it is worth it to choose life for your baby! If I could go back and change my choice I would. 💔 biggest regret and I will regret it every day of my life.


I can't imagine not being a Mom and now a Grand mom. Choose Life accept it as your calling.


I am one of those women! I got pregnant with my son after knowing my now husband for only about 7 months. I was a college dropout working as a server and my husband was in a bad place as well. I was TERRIFIED and everyone kept telling me to get an abortion. I told them I could never, no matter what happened between me and my husband, no matter how bad things got. He turned his life around and became someone I knew deep down he could be. We’re now happily married with 2 beautiful children and I get to be a stay at home mother to them while he works concrete every day! God is good & has a plan for every human life! ❤️


Never, never, EVER kill a baby in the womb!!! They are blessings from God!


Another example of pro-lifers ALWAYS helping women after they keep the baby while pro-aborts ALWAYS make false accusations against innocent p.. l.ers.


Please don't give in to abortion, reject abortion, and turn to those who can give you the help, and the love you need.


My precious, loved 12-week-old baby‘s heart stopped beating and now I have to go through induction at home to birth my tiny child, that I’d much rather birth alive in 28 weeks. 😞 It is so devastating, I am crying all the time and I cannot understand how mothers can freely kill their own child and birth them and don’t feel a thing. 😞


I got pregnant my senior year in high school. Thankfully, I came from a family who does not believe in abortion whatsoever. When my boyfriend at the time told his mom the news she replied “well you know she doesn’t have to keep it right?” and by that she did not mean adoption, she meant abortion. Thankfully, that made him upset. My son will be 32 years old on New Year’s Eve.


If all teenagers who got pregnant unalived their kids I wouldn’t even be here. My mom is now a grandma to 2 grandchildren and I’m sure if I asked her she doesn’t regret a thing despite being a 19yo who’s boyfriend was a bit of an alcoholic stoner without a job (love my dad but it’s true) when she got pregnant.
