How To Use Excel Floor Function @BrainUpp

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How To Use Excel Floor Function @BrainUpp

FLOOR Formula in Excel
Number: It is the number that we want to round.
Significance: It is the multiple or factor we want to round the number.

How does the FLOOR function work?

How do you calculate floor and ceiling in Excel?
Description. Returns number rounded up, away from zero, to the nearest multiple of significance. For example, if you want to avoid using pennies in your prices and your product is priced at $4.42, use the formula =CEILING(4.42,0.05) to round prices up to the nearest nickel.

This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the FLOOR function in Microsoft Excel.

Rounds number down, toward zero, to the nearest multiple of significance.

FLOOR(number, significance)

The FLOOR function syntax has the following arguments:

Number Required. The numeric value you want to round.

Significance Required. The multiple to which you want to round.

If either argument is nonnumeric, FLOOR returns the #VALUE! error value.

If number is positive and significance is negative, FLOOR returns the #NUM! error value.

If the sign of number is positive, a value is rounded down and adjusted toward zero. If the sign of number is negative, a value is rounded down and adjusted away from zero. If number is an exact multiple of significance, no rounding occurs.

The Excel FLOOR function rounds a number down to a given multiple. The multiple to use for rounding is provided as the significance argument. If the number is already an exact multiple, no rounding occurs and the original number is returned.

The FLOOR function takes two arguments, number and significance. Number is the numeric value to round down. The significance argument is the multiple to which number should be rounded. In most cases, significance is provided as a numeric value, but FLOOR can also understand time entered as text like "0:15". See the example below.

FLOOR works like the MROUND function, but unlike MROUND, which rounds to the nearest multiple, FLOOR always rounds down.
MS Excel: How to use the FLOOR Function (WS)
This Excel tutorial explains how to use the Excel FLOOR function with syntax and examples.

The Microsoft Excel FLOOR function returns a number rounded down based on a multiple of significance.

The FLOOR function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Math/Trig Function. It can be used as a worksheet function (WS) in Excel. As a worksheet function, the FLOOR function can be entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet.

The syntax for the FLOOR function in Microsoft Excel is:

FLOOR( number, significance )
Parameters or Arguments
The number that you wish to round down.
The multiple of significance that you wish to round a number to.
The FLOOR function returns a numeric value.
If the sign of the number and the significance parameters are different, the FLOOR function will return the #NUM! error.

Applies To
Excel for Office 365, Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2011 for Mac, Excel 2010, Excel 2007, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2000
Type of Function
Worksheet function (WS)

Excel CEILING and FLOOR Functions

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