EAM Hits Back At Western Media, Says 'Countries That Go To Court To Decide Elections Give Us Gyan'

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External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar has flayed the Western media for its "negative" portrayal of Indian elections, highlighting the irony of advice from countries that "have to go to court for deciding election results." Speaking in Kolkata during the launch of the Bangla edition of his book Why Bharat Matters, Jaishankar expressed his disapproval of the guidance, or "gyan," on electoral processes offered by such nations. Commenting on the historical context of the issue he said, "They (Western countries) do want to influence us because many of these countries feel that they have influenced this world for the last 70-80 years...Western countries actually feel that they influenced the world for the last 200 years. How do you expect someone who has been in that position to give up those old habits so easily?". Jaishankar also pointed out the preference of Western media for certain classes and ideologies in governance, which contrasts with the choices of the Indian electorate. "Why these newspapers are so negative on India? Because they are seeing an India which is not in a sense compliant with their image of how India should be. They want people, ideology, or a way of life...they want that class of people to rule this country, and they are disturbed when the Indian population feels otherwise," he explained.
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External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar has flayed the Western media for its "negative" portrayal of Indian elections, highlighting the irony of advice from countries that "have to go to court for deciding election results." Speaking in Kolkata during the launch of the Bangla edition of his book Why Bharat Matters, Jaishankar expressed his disapproval of the guidance, or "gyan," on electoral processes offered by such nations. Commenting on the historical context of the issue he said, "They (Western countries) do want to influence us because many of these countries feel that they have influenced this world for the last 70-80 years...Western countries actually feel that they influenced the world for the last 200 years. How do you expect someone who has been in that position to give up those old habits so easily?". Jaishankar also pointed out the preference of Western media for certain classes and ideologies in governance, which contrasts with the choices of the Indian electorate. "Why these newspapers are so negative on India? Because they are seeing an India which is not in a sense compliant with their image of how India should be. They want people, ideology, or a way of life...they want that class of people to rule this country, and they are disturbed when the Indian population feels otherwise," he explained.
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