Mastering The Art Of Manifestation

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This episode talks about the art of manifestation.

The process of understanding and mastering the art of manifestation is the road to self development and power. You can manifest anything you want. This process will take the guesswork out of manifesting.

What do you really want?

Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule

Music By Mettaverse
journey through the multiverse
inner worlds
into the omniverse
the language of light
travel light
golden lotus

🌎 Connect with Mettaverse

Additional Music
for a moment - amaranth cove
balance - amaranth cove
muted rain - amaranth cove
challenge - van sandano
sana - van sandano
bandha - van sandano
antidote x - van sandano
stratosphere voyage - spirits of our dreams
luminary starscape - cora zea
eskimo nevula - curved mirror
ambient sun - cerulean skies
a place to hide - cerulean skies
appeased soundscape 11 - august willhelmsson
floatin floating - august willhelmson
at the break of dawn - jakob ahibom
gordian knot - jakob ahibom

Reality Transurfing Playlist:

#lawofattraction #thoughtpower #imagination #lawofattraction #greatawakening
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Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule


Thank you. I want to share this quote from Rumi which summarizes the manifestation. “The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along”.


You didn’t think you could have a YouTube channel? Crazy how we limit ourselves because i can’t live without your channel and listen to it all the time! Thank you for breaking past that boundary for us! 😊


"Life is a garden.
Your thoughts are the seeds.
You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds."


Omnipresent (awareness)
Omnipotent (moving as energy)
Omniscient (in-formation)
All are thought forces. Everything is possible


Idk where'd I'd be without your content, Brian. Maybe there was a reality where you continued yearning for your channel's success, but this is the one where everyone listening has been impacted greatly by your words. Thank you


The challenge for me is that my mind keeps changing regarding what I want as I keep evolving/changing.. Been feeling like a leaf in the wind a bit 🌬🍃✨


I'm crap at visualising too ... This is amazing .. believe it or not you have just unearthed something in me and I am going to act on it .. I'm going to listen to this daily as a motivational speech that will push me forwards .. I've thought about how it would feel to shake your hand or hug you and say you have changed my life! Some day I know this will happen .. sorry for all the messages but this has started something profound! ❤️


I AM that I AM
1 million subscribers ARE in this YouTube channel of ancestral wisdom.
I AM that AM, reincarnated Brian Scott.

12/04/2022 is the Jupiter-Neptune in Pieces ; The last time these two planets met in Pisces was 1856, and the next time will be in 2188.
Align with your longterm visions



On minute 47 I had to stop and write this comment. I almost never write comments. This is my favorite channel of all spiritual channels (and of all channels altogether). Brian, when you said you were contemplating creating a channel for a decade, I was soo surprised. Then you kept going that you didn’t think it’d be interesting to anyone. It’s the most interesting content! I find myself in a similar situation now. I’m thinking about starting my own channel for over 8 months now… Everything is ready… I just gotta start. Thanks for this and all you do 🙏 You actually inspired me for that. I said to my fam there’s only one person in life that I envy, it’s Brian Scott. Cuz he gets up in the morning and does what I want to do - he reads and discusses how this Universe works. And he gets to do it every day. That’s my dream life.


I listen to your videos at bedtime. Sometimes I fall asleep partway through which is good. But I wonder if my subconscious is subliminally understanding what you’re saying.


I love this live. So inspiring. This is what people should share everyday instead of the food they are eating…… thank you so much for sharing


Where attention goes, energy flows. It is much easier to manifest, right now, than ever before. Incoming energies are thankfully allowing for it to be so.
Thanks, Brian! Your passion for doing the greatest good of all hue-manity is just beautiful! Many blessings of abundance, love and light to you, Brian, and to all!


I always wanted a YouTube channel too I'm passionate about nature and the forest and want to share it .. but like you said I know nothing about videos and editing etc .. my main want is the freedom to spend all my time in the forest with my animals where I'm so happy ❤️ plus I want a Mercedes 😂❤️ I love this and will listen again it made me smile as some of the things you said resonate so deeply! You really are a gift from the universe!! ❤️


God is consciousness.
My consciousness is my God.
Nothing I am conscious of having, doing or being shall be impossible to me!




These are great to listen to as i clean the house! Omg love these! I don’t mind cleaning anymore cuz i can take an hour to focus on a positive message. Thank you!


Brian, I'm a big fan of your channel and I feel really grateful for you sharing all of this knowledge. Having said this if I may, I'd like to share some basic concepts about manifestation that I think will greatly benefit your future viewers.
- Thoughts do not manifest till they are accepted by our subconscious mind.

- Subconscious acceptance comes as the result of repeatedly entertaining in our minds an idea that we deem as true. People do not see their affirmation to work probably are affirming without deeming what they affirm as true. Imagination provides us with the ability to develop the necessary faith )by assuming the feeling of what we see in our imagination.
- Each repetition of the thought-pattern (idea) adds momentum to the vibration associated to the it. Abraham Hicks talks about 17 seconds are enough to activate the associated vibration and if you are purely focused for at least 68 seconds, that is enough to start the manifestation as long as you do not have contradicting ideas. Eventually the idea gets enough momentum that allows it to manifest in our 3D reality even if we are no longer having that thought at the moment it will manifests.
- Tip from Brian Scott: "Why not?" Ask yourselves this question to unveil limiting believes and then work on affirming (deeming as true) the opposite of those believes. Question the old believe and then, discard it by simply saying "no thank you, I no longer need to believe this", then affirm the opposite to that negative believe.
- Mental Diet: Simply consists on carefully watch our thoughts and feelings and only allow what we do want to happen to us and others. Do no entertain ideas of what you do not want. Only "cultivate" in your mind what is of good rapport.
- One of the things I like the most about Neville's teaching is his approach to the "requirement of having faith to please God". The way I interpret his teaching in this regard is that it is enough to simply imagine (visualize or think about what you want) and the assume it as true. Then by re-running the visualization (in our minds) + assuming the feeling (in our hearts) we allow our desire to be accepted by our subconscious mind and then it will manifest in our 3D reality.


Every time I hear: Welcome to the Reality Revolution, I'm Your Host, Brian Scott...
I immediately feel such immense gratitude and love that it instantly brings tears of joy to my eyes!!!
Thank you, Brian.
We love you


the parking spot thing actually happens ... lol, and lately also standing up and working out issues [2 amazon bad orders in a row and got help]. ps just joined your fb group. ty <3
