Intersectionality: Dismantling Racism Panel Discussion

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In anti-racism work it can be tempting to focus only on fighting racial injustice. After all, in a world dominated by sound bites and social media snippets, we can fall into the trap of reducing anti-racism work into a silo. However, injustice is intersectional, and liberation is interconnected. We will explore historical ways in which we have partitioned off justice work without an awareness of intersectionality and explore the joy and hope around community and coalition building.
The Rev. Dr. Traci C. West, United Methodist pastor & Professor of Christian Ethics and African American Studies at Drew University Theological School, in Madison, NJ.
Dr. Miguel A. De La Torre, Professor of Social Ethics and Latinx Studies at the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, CO.
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Thank you for this great panel.

1:55 Why is intersectionality a relevant topic to the church? -systems of power vs. identity
8:15 "Don't Latino Live Matter Also?" - divisive tactic of competition for the dominant (white) gaze
11:55 The betrayal and hypocrisy of UMC naming racial justice while supporting heteropatriarchy through the Traditional Plan
15:10 What does the work look like? - understanding faith through our history and symbols
18:41 for African Americans in particular, what does the work look like? - individual experiences actually highlighted the need to look at systems, which created experiences of shame and trauma. churches receive the most vulnerable, so need to recognize how to shift broader systems. one example of shifting is recognizing incredible diversity across communities, identities, and resistance. Black people as object lessons in white supremacist agendas.
27:34 What are the building blocks to creating a truly intersectional witness in the United Methodist Church in a way that is not marginalized people doing the work? - Current (white) attempts at being inclusive can be harmful to communities by removing support for small ethnic minority churches, and by requiring that newcomers embrace white traditions and theology. - 32:54 "Why should we come?" - "Who's the most vulnerable?" as the start.
37:58 Multicultural ministry isn't inherently intersectional
41:14 words for the Council of Bishops as they lead the church in anti-racism work - read and listen to other methodists - start with the systemic injustice in our church, specifically against LGBTQIA+ people

49:38 "Ok, I'm sorry, let's move on" isn't good communication or listening


I started writing a response to this video, but I cannot because I dont want to type a novel. The entire video was a strawman of the "white" church and historic/traditional Christians. These guests were very judgemental and hypocritical. I wonder if they've ever had a conversation with "white" church leaders and actually listened to their hearts how racism pains them as much as any person of color. They state how judgemental, hypocritical, and evil the "white" church is, yet I dont think I've listened to anything more judgemental than this "discussion." I didnt know Christ looked at his churches and judged their hearts based on their race. I pray for all three of these people, and I pray for the UMC to have wisdom moving forward. We need Christ's grace AND truth right now.


This is why the church will split.

You are assuming every Methodist has these liberal beliefs. The definition of racism has to do with someone's race or ethnic background, not a lifestyle choice as promoted by your panel. We should be working on ending racism and leading our world to Christ not pushing a lifestyle that is of the world. Accepting someone for their skin color vs. homosexual lifestyle is a ridiculous comparison. You dilute the work and effort of "Diluting Racism" as your title reads, by including a lifestyle that cannot be found anywhere to be blessed in the Bible.

It's time to go...


They made so many false statements. It’s just hard to listen to this without wanting to pull my hair out.


When you are ready for some truth, let me know. I'll happily guide you towards the resources available. Children in cages? Give me a break! Have you any clue what is happening? Doubtful. But keep living your lies.
