What if Shanghai Disappeared? | #aumsum #kids #children #education #whatif

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What if Shanghai Disappeared?
Firstly, if Shanghai disappeared, the city with the 2nd highest count of billionaires in the world will also disappear.
Secondly, the Chinese Grand Prix is held in Shanghai every year, if Shanghai disappeared, racing fans would be one sad lot.
Thirdly, if Shanghai disappeared, the Shanghai Tower, the 2nd tallest building in the world will also disappear.
Fourthly, if Shanghai disappeared, world famous places like the Lujiazui skyline, City God Temple, Yu Garden, etc. will also disappear.
Fifthly, Shanghai is the most populous city in China, if Shanghai disappeared, Chinese would be one sad lot.
Lastly, Shanghai is considered as the commercial capital of China, if Shanghai disappeared, stock markets may crash world-wide.
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