Heart Touching Naat 2022, Naat-E-Mustafa (Part-4), Fatima (R.A), Kaleem Waris Khan, Islamic Releases
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Presenting a Part-4 of heart touching naat "NAAT-E-MUSTAFAﷺ" "Shan-E-Hazrat Fatima (R.A)" in Urdu language with English & Urdu Subtitles, which is written by "Syed Ashar Bukhari" and Recited by "Kaleem Waris Khan" with his magical voice.
Video Credits:
Title : Naat-E-Mustafa (Part-4)
Artist : Kaleem Waris Khan
Written : Syed Ashar Bukhari
Audio : Fs Studio
Production & Label : Islamic Releases
Urdu & English Lyrics:
دخترِسید المرسلیں فاطمہؓ
O Fatima (RA), daughter of the Master of Messengers
ماں خدیجہ کی ہے جانشیں فاطمہؓ
O Fatima (RA), successor of her mother Khadija (RA)
جنتی عورتوں کی بھی ملکہ ہے تو
You are also the queen of the women of Paradise
آفریں آفریں آفریں فاطمہؓ
Admirable, admirable, admirable, Fatima (RA)
تیرے والد کا دونوں جہاں راج ہے
Your father rules over both the worlds
ہے جو شیرِِ خدا تیرا سرتاج ہے
The Lion of ALLAH is your husband
تیرے بچے بھی دین مبیں پرفدا
Your children sacrificed for the evident faith
ہے تیری تربیت بالیقیں فاطمہؓ
The credit goes to your upbringing, O Fatima (RA)
پیکرِحلم وصبرورضا ہیں وہی
She is the embodiment of wisdom, patience and contentment
تھے سمائے ہوئے ان میں وصف نبیؐ
The qualities of the Prophet (PBUH) were contained in her
انکی اولاد سردارِ عالم بنی
Her progeny became rulers of the world
ان کا ہے نام کتنا حسیں فاطمہؓ
How beautiful is her name, Fatima (RA)
کتنی مشہورہے وہ سخاوت تیری
How great is your generosity
وہ عبادت تیری وہ ریاضت تیری
Your worship and your austerity
چھوٹی راتوں کی رب سےشکایت کری
You complained to the Lord about the short nights
جب بھی رکھتی زمیں پرجبیں فاطمہؓ
Whenever you placed your forehead on the ground, O Fatima (RA)
میرے آقاؐ کو تجھ سے بہت پیار تھا
My Master (PBUH) showered his love upon you
دل کا ٹکڑا کہا یہ بھی اظہار تھا
He (PBUH) used to call you a piece of his heart
دل تیرا جو دکھا رنج نبیؐ کو ہوا
Whenever your heart was in pain, the Prophet (PBUH) would grieve
تیرا دشمن مسلماں نہیں فاطمہؓ
Your enemy is not a Muslim, O Fatima (RA)
تو ہے کتنی سخی باحیا با وفا
You are so generous, modest and loyal
عابدہ زاہدہ طیبہ طاہرہ
Worshipping, pious, pleasant and pure
جنتی عورتوں کی تو سردار ہے
You are the leader of the women of Paradise
تیرا گستاخ تو ہے لعیں فاطمہؓ
Your offender is indeed unfortunate, O Fatima (RA)
ان کے اوصاف کیسے بیاں ہو اشؔعر
How does one describe her qualities, Ashar
وہ ہیں سب عورتوں میں بڑی ذیقدر
She is the most capable among all women
ان کے بابا کا رتبہ ہے بعد از خدا
Her father's status is right after God
انکی گودی میں ہی تو پلیں فاطمہؓ
And in His (PBUH) lap was raised Fatima (RA)
Copyright Notice:
All rights of the audio and video production is reserved for Islamic Releases. Hence, it's not permissible to Copying, Re-Recording or Broadcasting without our permission. However, you may share this production in our platform or Social Media Platform.
About Us:
Islamic Releases provides programmes which are original, educational, informative and entertaining. Islamic Releases is also promotes Dawat-o-Tableegh. The proper presentation, understanding and appreciation of Islam, as well as removing misconceptions about Islam - amongst less aware Muslims and non-Muslims.
shan e hazrat fatima r.a
shan e mustafa s.a.w
naat e mustafa part 4
manqabat hazrat fatima r.a
new heart touching naat
naat sharif
new naat 2022
mustafa mustafa part 4
#NewNaat #NaatEMustafapart4 #hazratfatima #KaleemWaris #hearttouchingnaat #islamicreleases #IROFFICIAL
Presenting a Part-4 of heart touching naat "NAAT-E-MUSTAFAﷺ" "Shan-E-Hazrat Fatima (R.A)" in Urdu language with English & Urdu Subtitles, which is written by "Syed Ashar Bukhari" and Recited by "Kaleem Waris Khan" with his magical voice.
Video Credits:
Title : Naat-E-Mustafa (Part-4)
Artist : Kaleem Waris Khan
Written : Syed Ashar Bukhari
Audio : Fs Studio
Production & Label : Islamic Releases
Urdu & English Lyrics:
دخترِسید المرسلیں فاطمہؓ
O Fatima (RA), daughter of the Master of Messengers
ماں خدیجہ کی ہے جانشیں فاطمہؓ
O Fatima (RA), successor of her mother Khadija (RA)
جنتی عورتوں کی بھی ملکہ ہے تو
You are also the queen of the women of Paradise
آفریں آفریں آفریں فاطمہؓ
Admirable, admirable, admirable, Fatima (RA)
تیرے والد کا دونوں جہاں راج ہے
Your father rules over both the worlds
ہے جو شیرِِ خدا تیرا سرتاج ہے
The Lion of ALLAH is your husband
تیرے بچے بھی دین مبیں پرفدا
Your children sacrificed for the evident faith
ہے تیری تربیت بالیقیں فاطمہؓ
The credit goes to your upbringing, O Fatima (RA)
پیکرِحلم وصبرورضا ہیں وہی
She is the embodiment of wisdom, patience and contentment
تھے سمائے ہوئے ان میں وصف نبیؐ
The qualities of the Prophet (PBUH) were contained in her
انکی اولاد سردارِ عالم بنی
Her progeny became rulers of the world
ان کا ہے نام کتنا حسیں فاطمہؓ
How beautiful is her name, Fatima (RA)
کتنی مشہورہے وہ سخاوت تیری
How great is your generosity
وہ عبادت تیری وہ ریاضت تیری
Your worship and your austerity
چھوٹی راتوں کی رب سےشکایت کری
You complained to the Lord about the short nights
جب بھی رکھتی زمیں پرجبیں فاطمہؓ
Whenever you placed your forehead on the ground, O Fatima (RA)
میرے آقاؐ کو تجھ سے بہت پیار تھا
My Master (PBUH) showered his love upon you
دل کا ٹکڑا کہا یہ بھی اظہار تھا
He (PBUH) used to call you a piece of his heart
دل تیرا جو دکھا رنج نبیؐ کو ہوا
Whenever your heart was in pain, the Prophet (PBUH) would grieve
تیرا دشمن مسلماں نہیں فاطمہؓ
Your enemy is not a Muslim, O Fatima (RA)
تو ہے کتنی سخی باحیا با وفا
You are so generous, modest and loyal
عابدہ زاہدہ طیبہ طاہرہ
Worshipping, pious, pleasant and pure
جنتی عورتوں کی تو سردار ہے
You are the leader of the women of Paradise
تیرا گستاخ تو ہے لعیں فاطمہؓ
Your offender is indeed unfortunate, O Fatima (RA)
ان کے اوصاف کیسے بیاں ہو اشؔعر
How does one describe her qualities, Ashar
وہ ہیں سب عورتوں میں بڑی ذیقدر
She is the most capable among all women
ان کے بابا کا رتبہ ہے بعد از خدا
Her father's status is right after God
انکی گودی میں ہی تو پلیں فاطمہؓ
And in His (PBUH) lap was raised Fatima (RA)
Copyright Notice:
All rights of the audio and video production is reserved for Islamic Releases. Hence, it's not permissible to Copying, Re-Recording or Broadcasting without our permission. However, you may share this production in our platform or Social Media Platform.
About Us:
Islamic Releases provides programmes which are original, educational, informative and entertaining. Islamic Releases is also promotes Dawat-o-Tableegh. The proper presentation, understanding and appreciation of Islam, as well as removing misconceptions about Islam - amongst less aware Muslims and non-Muslims.
shan e hazrat fatima r.a
shan e mustafa s.a.w
naat e mustafa part 4
manqabat hazrat fatima r.a
new heart touching naat
naat sharif
new naat 2022
mustafa mustafa part 4
#NewNaat #NaatEMustafapart4 #hazratfatima #KaleemWaris #hearttouchingnaat #islamicreleases #IROFFICIAL