Educational Grand Rounds: Autoimmune Thyroid Disease

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Today's guest is Janelle Pica of Primal Fitness Pittsburgh. She is a young and vibrant kettle bell workout instructor, but just a couple years ago, she was suffering from Hashimodo's Thyroiditis, a debilitating autoimmune thyroid condition in which the immune system begins to attack the thyroid. Janelle details her symptoms, diagnosis and her eventual cure through various lifestyle changes, especially the Paleo diet.

You can read her entire account of this experience at:
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Educational Grand Rounds: Autoimmune Thyroid Disease

Today's guest is Janelle Pica of Primal Fitness Pittsburgh. She is a young and vibrant kettle bell workout instructor, but just a couple years ago, she was suffering from Hashimodo's Thyroiditis, a debilitating autoimmune thyroid condition in which the immune system begins to attack the thyroid. Janelle details her symptoms, diagnosis and her eventual cure through various lifestyle changes, especially the Paleo diet. 

You can read her entire account of this experience at: 

Check out Janelle's site at

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